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[Rozwiązany] Random inaccuracy of the printer  

New Member
Random inaccuracy of the printer

Hello everyone,

I just bought a Prusa MK3S+ and have no prior experience with 3D printing.

For my first print I tried to print the two figures seen in the pictures (I printed both at the same time). Goofy came out quite good, but the model of Obelix hat really visible layers. So next I tried to print a pre selected part from the SD-card (in case I messed up the settings for the first print). I tried to print the 3D printed bearing. For that print it was even worse, although it where the pre selected Prusa settings. As you can see in the last picture there layers where extremely inaccurate. 

I was looking online but couldn't find an satisfying answer. So maybe one of you can help me? 🙂

My Z value for the first layer is -1.10 and the belts seem properly tensed to me. I've also let the belt analysis program run multiple times. I'm living right next to railway tracks and there are occasionally some shakes, can that be a proper explanation for the big shift in the layers?

I hope you can help me and thank you very much.

Best regards,



Opublikowany : 25/01/2022 3:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Random inaccuracy of the printer

I’ll post the same reply here I just did in another thread.

Most likely a loose grub screw on whichever axis stepper motor.  Check that it is still secure and retighten it properly so it doesn’t come loose again. Small back Ned forth jumps like that are a classic sign of loose grub screws. It usually gets worse over time as it gets looser. 

Opublikowany : 25/01/2022 4:13 pm
steffenklatt polubić
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random inaccuracy of the printer

Thank you very much for your reply. 

I will look to fasten them once more and than try another print again to see the result. 

I will let you know if it worked.


Opublikowany : 25/01/2022 4:25 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random inaccuracy of the printer

Its seems to have worked. I got a really nice and even cube with this try. Thank you very much!

Opublikowany : 25/01/2022 7:50 pm