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Raft not doing anything.  

Eminent Member
Raft not doing anything.

I am on 2.3.3. I've been having some issues and hoping a raft would help. But no matter what I set in raft be it 0 or 2 or 10 nothing changes when i look at the slicing. 

Is this a bug? Is there something I'm missing.


Publié : 14/12/2021 9:13 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Raft not doing anything.

Please ZIP your .3mf file and attach to a post. 


Publié : 14/12/2021 10:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Raft not doing anything.

What sylvia said. 

This may also give us a clue why you think you'll need a raft in the first place. The last time I used a raft was way back when I had a Wanhao. Not saying I can't imagine a case I might need a raft (actually, I can't) but I'd put my money on incorrect Live Z, dirty steel sheet, or a settings issue. At least the last we can check with the 3mf file.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 14/12/2021 11:55 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Raft not doing anything.

MK3S & S+ setup.   I had a bunch of fails on a very specific print where it seems part of it would detach and raise up a bit just enough for the nossle to scrape on it and pop it and start to degrade the print over time. 

I got a good one though after I did some Brim. I did about 3 Brim and the print came out great.  The prints before it have been fine and the ones i'm doing now are largely fine (I did print 6-up small little poles and one did great and then the next it knocked a couple around).  

But its odd because I swear the raft worked in previous version that I was using not long ago. I hardly ever use a raft (was more necessary on my Replicator 2 at times). But there has been a few instances where I've felt it helps if I think there is a touch of lifting going on. I hardly have ever used a raft on my Prusa though.  


Publié : 15/12/2021 5:25 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Raft not doing anything.

This might be the same object (and I say object, not just print, because I've tried different configs with it) that was printing fine in the past but the nozzle at some point (which happens to be where it was failing later!) to scrape across the supports making a noise like when you rub your thumb across a comb. I have a video of this. Its kinda entertaining.   But the prints would still come out nice!  And this was just on this one object which is so strange. I even have another object very similar to it (in the grand scheme of things) that never has any issues.

Publié : 15/12/2021 5:27 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Raft not doing anything.

Ok so i'm taking it Raft is broken in Prusa slicer. Thats the answer.

Publié : 18/12/2021 10:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Raft not doing anything.

Nope raft works fine for me in 2.3.3 on windows 10. If you had posted the requested project file people might be able to help as they would be able to check a snapshot of your settings. 

Publié : 18/12/2021 10:59 pm
Swiss_Cheese a aimé
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