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PrusaSlicer, Octoprint Cable  

Active Member
PrusaSlicer, Octoprint Cable


I have had 3D yearlings for 3 years, and have just acquired my first Prusa, so there is a lot to learn.


Printer: Prose MK3S +
Raspberry 3B -
OctoprintSoftware: PrusaSlicer

Since my cable is between octoprint and the printer, how will PrusaSlicer be able to inform about new printer updates and also install them?

How should this firmware update be performed?

And how du I connect the 3D PRinter to Octoprint ?
I ProsaSlicer I alleready have insert the API key, and Press "test" [Connection to Octoprint works correctly)
but I can't se any "Button" in PrusaSlicer = "Send to Octopirnt"  - how is this workflow ?

Napsal : 08/10/2021 8:24 am
Noble Member
RE: PrusaSlicer, Octoprint Cable

Since my cable is between octoprint and the printer, how will PrusaSlicer be able to inform about new printer updates and also install them?

Personally I like to connect my printer directly to my PC (temporarily remove USB cable from Printer) but there is a OctoPrint plugin that does this firmware-update-plug-in-work-with-prusa/

And how du I connect the 3D PRinter to Octoprint ?
I ProsaSlicer I alleready have insert the API key, and Press "test" [Connection to Octoprint works correctly)
but I can't se any "Button" in PrusaSlicer = "Send to Octopirnt"  - how is this workflow ?

Having sliced a part, look to the right of the slice button there is another button "G", press that and depending on the tick box on the popup that will appear, printing will either start immediately or wait for you to start it in Octoprint.


This post was modified před 3 years by towlerg
Napsal : 08/10/2021 12:29 pm