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PrusaSlicer shut down alone  

New Member
PrusaSlicer shut down alone

Hello !

First, sorry for my english I'm French 🙂

I have a problem with PrusaSlicer 2.1 (same problem at 2.0). When I slice something the program shut down alone after 5min... If I don't slice the STL there is no problem the program stay open...   Nobody have this problem on the facebook group so I hope someone could help me here 🙂

I tried to desinstall / Reinstall the program 4 or 5 times but it's the same thing.

Could you help me ?


Thanks !!


This topic was modified před 5 years by David.B
Napsal : 26/12/2019 5:32 pm
Noble Member
RE: PrusaSlicer shut down alone

Post your model for us to look at. Sounds like something about it is bad.

Also try Cura.

Napsal : 27/12/2019 5:15 am