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[Résolu] prusaslicer 2.1.0 manual toolchange problems  

Active Member
prusaslicer 2.1.0 manual toolchange problems

So, i am printing some parts in taulman nylon bridge on a textured print plate.
But i am having some problems with the way the new Prusaslicer 2.1.0 works.

I have a mk3s, without any mmu of any kind.
I am using manual tool change (M600), to change between nylon and petg, as described in this manual:
This works really nice in prusaslicer 2.0.0.

PetG as a first layer gives a good stick to the buildplate, and separates easy from the nylon afterwards.
Also for supports, i  design a part one layer high that i can use as a modifier.
This enables me to print a petg separation layer between the supports and the printed part, at only needed places.

So this enabled me to print with two extruder setup, and M600 as custom toolchanger code.
In the g-code generated afterwards, i could just search and delete the "T0" and "T1", from the code, and it was ready to run. 

However in prusaslicer 2.1.0 a purgeblock is added to my gcode. 
So this is a whole lot of gcode that needs to be reviewed and removed before printing, and more chance for a mistake to be made during editing.

Are there a way to stop this purge tower from being created?


Publié : 16/09/2019 8:39 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: prusaslicer 2.1.0 manual toolchange problems

Hi Jon,

in Prusa 2.1, select a single filament profile,

add a second extruder, 

in the 'Printer Settings > Custom Gcode > Tool Change' window, add M600

then add your model,

allocate extruders as normal, 

slice and export as normal, 

no need to change out 'T1 and T0'

print the file as normal...


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 17/09/2019 12:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: prusaslicer 2.1.0 manual toolchange problems

Hi Joantabb.

Thanks for the reply.
This is pretty much what i am doing, and it worked perfect on prusa 2.0.0

But the moment i go to "printer settings - General" and changes the extruders to 2, this purgeblock appears. 
And i cant seem to find any method to get rid of it, besides changing to 1 extruder again.




Publié : 17/09/2019 4:41 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: prusaslicer 2.1.0 manual toolchange problems

I got a reply from the developers at github about this issue.

So i will post it here also, just incase it helps anybody with the same problem.

Option to disable the wipetower can be found here ->(Print Settings -> Multiple Extruders -> Wipe Tower)

Publié : 17/09/2019 1:11 pm
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