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Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging  

Eminent Member
Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

I have a long section ~130 mm on a print that Prusa Slicer wants to bridge when I do not want it to.  Part of my issue can be solved by unchecking "Don't support bridges", which produces a much nicer, more stable, print, however the first layer it puts down on top of the support is a bridge layer, and those do not have the quality of a normal layer.

Cura and S3D both slice the part exactly how I want, but I am trying to use Prusa Slicer more often.  Is there a way to get Prusa Slicer to not try and bridge areas this long, or at the very least, turn bridging off altogether?

Napsal : 17/06/2019 1:53 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

Turning off DETECT BRIDGING not working for you?

Napsal : 17/06/2019 5:56 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging
Posted by: Tim

Turning off DETECT BRIDGING not working for you?

I looked for such a setting in Simple, Advanced, and Expert, and I could find no setting by that name.  The closest I could find was a "Detect Bridging Perimeters" which doesn't seem to do anything that I can see; as Bridge Infill is still used even when unchecked. Is this the setting you are referring to, or am I just not seeing the other setting?

Turning off bridging entirely would be a temporary solution; because I do want bridging, just not over a 130 mm gap.  Ideally I could limit the distance that the slicer would consider for bridging.  For now though, I would settle for the temporary solution, it just doesn't seem to work for me.

This post was modified před 6 years by thedevilsjester
Napsal : 17/06/2019 12:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

Yes, that is the setting I was referring to.    Your other option is to use a support enforcer or blockers.  They are pretty easy to create and use with Plicer.   When you create a part modifier, make sure it "envelops" the area of your part you do or don't want support.   Not sure if it is still that way, I haven't played with them since an earlier beta, but enforcers once only worked with supports turned off... so they are a bit contrarian. 


Napsal : 17/06/2019 2:45 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

Here's an example ... 

Napsal : 17/06/2019 3:40 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

Does it still have Bridge Infill where you forced the support?

Napsal : 17/06/2019 4:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging


Looks that way, but not sure why that's be an issue.


Napsal : 17/06/2019 8:12 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging
Posted by: Tim

Looks that way, but not sure why that's be an issue.

Because the quality of Bridging Infill is quite a bit lower than a Bottom Shell/Solid Infill.

Napsal : 17/06/2019 9:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

The actual extrusion is slightly different in speed and flow ratio; but you can set those so the "bridge" extrusion is identical.   But with supports, the layer will still suffer because keeping a flat surface off support layers is nearly impossible.  So you'll still have a fairly ugly layer, no matter what.

Do you have previews of how Cura and S3D handle the supported or unsupported bridge area?



This post was modified před 6 years by --
Napsal : 17/06/2019 9:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer Undesired Bridging

I know that the quality won't be quite as good as it is on the build plate, although it will still be much better than it is bridged.  I can also opt to use dissolvable support with a decent support interface and get it quite close.  The point isn't to explicitly solve it on this print (I can just use Cura or S3D and it will print just fine) the point is to try and get it working nicely with PrusaSlicer for future prints,  discover features that I may not know about, or spark the conversation for features that its lacking.

I no longer have photos of the test prints, I printed a few off on both Cura and Prusa Slicer and the ones with Cura were much better though obviously still fairly rough.

Napsal : 17/06/2019 11:27 pm