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Prusa Mini Shutting Off When Hotbed & Hotend Turn On  

Prusa Mini Shutting Off When Hotbed & Hotend Turn On

Hello all,

I see this has been asked before but I'm stuck... my mini shuts off and won't turn back on again when I preheat or when I go into the temperature settings and manually do both. If one or the other is going, it's fine but once I activate the other one the whole thing shuts down and won't turn back on unless I unplug the entire thing.  I've checked the fuses and they are good, I've replaced the heating element, the thermistor, and the hot bed thermistor.  What else can I do? Thank you!

Posted : 16/08/2024 12:12 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini Shutting Off When Hotbed & Hotend Turn On

Update: I've also checked the PSU and it's fine with another mini, and I've changed the wires on the hotbed just to make sure. And I've done a factory reset. Still doing it.

Posted : 16/08/2024 5:21 pm
Reputable Member

Time to get the multimeter out off the toolbox. (better even osciloscope) 
Measure voltage on power output of PSU, power input of Board, etc, when shutting on the heatbed or nozzle (not both at same time). 
You have a second mini, so you can compare. 
Most likely the voltages drop below a certain level, triggering the safety switch. Maybe you find the cause this way, and chance this is caused by a partly shortcut in the circuit. 

This post was modified 7 months ago by Eef

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 16/08/2024 8:55 pm