Prints failing on 2nd layer from nozzle digging into them
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Prints failing on 2nd layer from nozzle digging into them  

New Member
Prints failing on 2nd layer from nozzle digging into them

I've had my MK3s+ for about a month 5 days of printing no problems till yesterday. I had my first print failure and now its repeatable. About half way though the 2nd layer the nozzle lowers slightly and starts to dig into the print. I've done the basic trouble shooting recalibrated XYZ, unplugged and re-plugger the Z axis, cold pull, tried a few different model same results with all. I made a solid test cube and let in print till it fully failed I got two results, at layer 4 the nozzle returned to the correct position either causing the print to fail cause it was to high or printing a perfect layer and finishing the print with no issues. I can't figure this one out, there's definitely more testing I need to do but its getting frustrating recalibrating and troubleshoot with the same results.

Thanks for reading, I added some pictures of the failed prints and one of the first layer.



First layer 

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2022 1:48 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prints failing on 2nd layer from nozzle digging into them

Just A quick update, I figured I try a print on the front edge of the bed just to see and it printed perfectly fine. So now the Y axis is some how related to this problem. I'm thinking there might be something weird going on with the mesh bed leveling in the center of the bed.

Also some slicing info I left out. 

Stock MK3s+ kit

Using prusa slicer with stock setting for Generic PETG

Overture translucent blue PETG   

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2022 2:17 am
Illustrious Member

The three commonest reasons for prints suddenly failing after working for some time:

Dirty print sheet, usually fingerprints, sometimes a build-up of release agent.  Wash with dishwashing detergent (Dawn/Fairy) and plenty of HOT water, dry with a fresh paper towel and finish on warm print bed, handle by edges only.

Damp filament, even PLA deteriorates in under a week and some filaments last only a few hours in humid weather.  Dry before use.

Incorrect first layer Z calibration, either due to careless maintenance or nozzle swap or, after printing abrasive filament the nozzle wears back a little.  Recalibrate.

I suspect you may be suffering the first of these but check all.


Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2022 8:14 am