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Printing the PETG plate of MK3S extruder parts  

Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Printing the PETG plate of MK3S extruder parts

With so many of us printing the PETG plate of parts for the MK3 to MK3S I though I would provide my results if anyone wants a closeup of any of them just ask. the photos are from my phone and nothing was done to clean the parts this just how the looked on the plate before they were removed. Pity that we can't print the parts glass clear with PETG though Pollysmooth claims to be able to do it with their PLA.
These were printed with a E3D solid Copper plated 0.4 Nozzle on a Prusa Powder coated plate using Chris's Pretty PETG modified for the 7x7 mesh leveling. the filament is Prusa Clear and thought is just the Prusa plain PETG it is perfect wound and I used the stock Slic3r-pr alpha5 Prusament PETG settings The print took 11 hours and 14 min. the bit of stringing shown at about the 3rd level in the bottom right part was from the merge line not sticking properly and after its removal the print plate as a whole was remarkably free of stringing. this is my goto nozzle for PETG and I am thinking of hiding some LEDs inside this extruder just for the LOLs.
Here is the plate about 10 min into the print

Here is the full plate after 11 hours

And here is a closeup of one of the parts if anyone wants closeups of any of the other parts just ask

Veröffentlicht : 17/02/2019 5:02 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Printing the PETG plate of MK3S extruder parts

Disappointed you didn't go with PC. 😥

Veröffentlicht : 18/02/2019 4:39 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Printing the PETG plate of MK3S extruder parts

Still waiting for my NozzleX for printing abrasive stuff like Carbon Fiber PC I might have to do the part cooling fan shroud in it. though I plan to give the the one I printed here a fair try... it should be fine with PLA

Veröffentlicht : 18/02/2019 7:03 am
Honorable Member
Re: Printing the PETG plate of MK3S extruder parts

Having just assembled a mk3 upgrade kit using the black PC extruder I printed, I will now print the new extruder in PC white, just because I can 😈

The eSun PC doesn't have any CF in it.

Veröffentlicht : 18/02/2019 10:21 am