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Printer stops extruding and the infamous clicking sound can be heard
I have a problem with my factory assembled mk3s. On most of my prints I get the problem with the clicking noise and no plastic getting through. This happens anywhere from an hour into a print or can be as long as 5 hours before it happens but it always happens.
Any help would be appreciated. I bought an assembled one because I do not like to tinker too much so I hope this can be solved quite easily.
Thanks in advance.
Napsal : 08/08/2019 8:28 pm
RE: Printer stops extruding and the infamous clicking sound can be heard
You have a partial jam. Research on Youtube how to do a cold pull. Then make sure your PTFE tube is all the way in.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Napsal : 09/08/2019 11:55 pm