Printer fail during 9 point bed test
I've had my Mk3 for awhile now (1000 m of filament) and its starting to act up.
after I start print it does its normal testing homing and then does 9 point test and somewhere during that time 1st row sometimes 2nd or last row it Z fails , it requires z leveling( sometimes it says nozzle blocked? ) so i push button then it goes up does the leveling to the top comes down returns to home then plunges the nozzle in to the bed. so i hit reset right away and then manually move z up to relieve strain.
At this point I'm thinking its dirty or its malfunctioning probe ( why else would it crash the probe is what tells the distance right) I have cleaned with IPA and during Z check i have checked probe with putting metal tweezers under it as its coming down and it stops and seems to be working ....I'm lost..
I have removed the sheet and made sure its clean and also cleaned bed started from scratch and re-leveled with sheet off with paper.I have got it to work a few times and am able to print a few face shields , but if i start one again it starts all over ...I loose Z and it crashes.
I have cleaned the rods and lubed them. No unusual sounds. I need help please. Thanks you
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
If it stops, then you should check the probe, if still works.
Check cables(wire brake) , and cable connection on the board, if it is still push in correctly.
You could after you find nothing, make a new cable for the probe, to not to have change all cables, you could do the cable on the outside so you can test it without dissemble all the cables.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
I checked wiring unplugged and plugged back in just to check.. also when it would crash it like if forgot to turn crash detection on because it lost Z? one time the probe was lit up but wasn't sensing the tweezers touching it....i went and looked at Crash detection was ON so i turned it off and turned back on again and it seem to work again, but this was before i re-seated probe plug.
I try and do a few prints and see if that fixed it.
thank you Peter
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
So this morning , I turned on printer and checked probe with tweezers and saw it was working, sent it home which was a success then selected print from SD and printer heated up tried homing itself again and then crashed....this is getting old..
So I quickly hit reset and manually raise Z off the bed . I then tell it to calibrate Z it does and then i tell it to Auto home...success. Print from SD again...heats up and it starts printing...Its like it loses Z for some reason.not sure and ive never had to tell it to auto home it usually does before every print on its own.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
I think its the probe it crashed again and probe wasn't responding to metal touch so i wiggled the grey plastic piece (end of probe) and then it started working again.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
I am having the exact same problem. When I do the XYZ recalibration it locates the four points okay and then during the "Z" test, it drives the nozzle into the steel bed. I was also printing face shields and had a crash. I've cleaned everything in sight, readjusted the PINDA sensor and still the same thing. Let me know if the sensor wiggle worked for good. My printer only has about 5 days of time on it.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
I am having the exact same problem. When I do the XYZ recalibration it locates the four points okay and then during the "Z" test, it drives the nozzle into the steel bed. I was also printing face shields and had a crash. I've cleaned everything in sight, readjusted the PINDA sensor and still the same thing. Let me know if the sensor wiggle worked for good. My printer only has about 5 days of time on it.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
After lubricating the shafts, I reran the XYZ calibration, and everything went back to normal. I was unaware that the shafts needed that much lubrication. Something to watch in the future.
RE: Printer fail during 9 point bed test
That seemed to have worked for me , this morning I started print without telling it to auto and just to test to see if it would crash worked like normal and is printing fine... for the time being. Although I don't trust it anymore and I've only had mine for roughly 8 months. I need to get a new one but shipping is almost is expensive as a replacement probe.