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Print stops, need help debugging  

New Member
Print stops, need help debugging

About three weeks ago I was painting on my MK3S on a pretty regular basis. But a few days ago I went to print something and I couldn't get to my octoprint server. I switched to printing from SD because I didn't want to deal with it but after printing the brim and a tiny bit of the first layer the pring stopped. This was using a code file that worked for me before. I flashed the firmware (downloaded the latest), created a newgcode file and it printed fine. After turning off my printer I came back a few days later and had the same issue.


It seems like the memory is getting lost. I've done self tests and they report no errors. I could use some help diagnosing the real issue or some ideas on how to resolve.


Thank you 

Napsal : 12/07/2020 8:32 pm