Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset
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Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset  

New Member
Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

Hello everyone,

after printing for some hundred hours without problems, my MK3S now stops repeatedly after finishing what looks like the last move of the the second layer.

It gives a crash detection message and then a M112 (which stops everything). The nozzle stops moving at the location where the error occured.

I have a MK3S, a RPi with Octoprint and an E3D Hemera Hotend with 0,6mm nozzle.

So far, I tried the following things:

  1. Look for any reason for a crash:
    I could not find anything. The first two layers look good, no print defects, good extrusion, good bed adhesion.
  2. Start the same print again:
    It stops at the exactly same location.
  3. Reorient the print on the print surface, so the paths would be different (other location on the bed, rotated 90°):
    It stops at the end of the second layer again.
  4. Try a different stl-file:
    It stops at the end of the second layer again.
  5. Run the G-Code from SD-Card (instead of Octoprint):
    It stops at the end of the second layer again.
  6. Look at the G-Code to see if there is anything strange:
    I could not find anything odd, but I am not a Pro at reading G-Code. The part for moving from one layer to the next seems look fine.
  7. Run G-Code which successfully printed 1 day before the error showed up for the first time:
    It stops at the end of the second layer.
  8. Check for any mechanical reasons and general maintenance:
    Took off and disassembled the X-Axis, checked the for easy movement (no problems), exchanged the upper steel rod (which was scratched) and the bearings anyways. Checked for easy movement of each individual trapezoid nut (no problems). Assembled everything again. Checked belt tensions, etc.
    The test print after all that stopped at the end of the second layer again.
    In general, there seems to be no mechanical issue, since all 3 axis move everywhere without problems e.g. during bed leveling. After each crash, I reset the printer and lift the Z-Axis with the steering knob or with Octoprint, no problems there.
  9. Check the forums and Google - I found this thread:
    Print stops extruding at exactly the same layer every time (Layer height 0.1)
    This seems to match my problem perfectly, but the suggested solution (slice model with a different layer height) does not work. I resliced with 0,2 layer height instead of 0,3mm, but no difference - it stops after the end of the second layer.
  10. Other threads reported problems with the crash detector going off , therefore, I disabled it in normal mode and I tried the stealth mode, which does not have the crash detection:
    It stops after the end of the second layer, but instead of the "crash detected"- message there is a "TMC DRIVER OVERTEMP"-message, followed by the M112.


Slowly I run out of ideas what to try next, so I would be happy for any suggestions.

Respondido : 15/01/2023 1:30 pm
Noble Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

Run 4 box tests 20 mm consecutive don't turn printer off and do theme streight after another and report back error at what layer and also try put fan on electronics box

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Respondido : 18/01/2023 9:09 am
Eminent Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

I guess my obvious first question is, have you tried printing something else?


Trying to isolate: Printer, or file?

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Respondido : 20/01/2023 1:41 am
Eminent Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

Just re-read, and answered my own question. Sorry…

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Respondido : 20/01/2023 1:23 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

I printed the standard „box.stl“ from PrusaSlicer Shape Gallery at 50% size (12,5x12,5x12,5mm). Since the print is so small, I filmed it.

1) Using Extrudr FlexHard TPU with my personal settings. Printed from the SD-Card. It stops at the end of layer 2 with a „TMC DRIVER OVERTEMP“ message.

Print 1

2) The same stl using the same settings over OctoPrint. I tried recording the MK3S display and the terminal output at the same time. It stops at the end of layer 2 with a „M112 called. Emergency Stop.“ The Terminal shows „Crash detected Y“ and „Mintemp Bed“.

Print 2

3) Printing the same file at the same 50%. I unplugged the Raspberry and printed from the SD-Card. Using Prusament PETG at the PrusaSlicer factory settings of "0,3mm Quality", "Prusament PETG" and the Profile for a 0,6mm nozzle. It stopped at the end of layer 3 with a crash in X and Y axis.
It's already at layer 3 - I am making progress 🤣 

Print 3



Respondido : 20/01/2023 7:49 pm
LSU Engineer
New Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

Did you ever find what the exact problem was?  I am having the same issue

Respondido : 02/03/2023 3:05 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

After uploading my videos, I rewatched them and thought about why it would always crash after layer 2 using my standard material and repeatedly crash after layer 3 while using Prusament and the standard prusa profiles.

So obviously prusament is 50% better, it got 50% more layers done, right? 😉 

After some time it dawned on me, that the one thing that is different on this very layer is ... the start of the part cooling fan!

In my profiles, I set it to start after layer 2 and prusa profiles have it start after layer 3. For testing, I set it to start after layer 5 and the print ran fine until it crashed with the first move of layer 6. I unplugged the part cooling fan on the board and it printed the whole part.

After that, I ordered replacement fans, put one in and it just runs fine again. I am not sure what happened to the old one, maybe it short-circuited or something whenever it got power, but all problems were gone after the replacement.

Respondido : 02/03/2023 8:45 pm
LSU Engineer
New Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset

Wow - I kinda came to the same conclusion last night, but glad to hear confirmation.   When I got home this evening, I tried to verify the problem with some 2, 3 and 4 layer prints but miraculously the problem has disappeared.  Probably an intermittent fan short, I'm going to order one while I have time.

Thanks again

Respondido : 03/03/2023 3:12 am
Estimable Member
RE: Print stops at exactly the same layer every time with a crash message and M112 reset


If I understand correctly you get the error exactly when you ask to turn on the fan. If you do not ask to turn on the fan the print completes correctly.

There is a third wire on the fan (tach) that, I assume, feedbacks to the processor with its speed. So if you ask for it in the gcode and the signal is not present it could generate a fault or be interpreted as a safety issue? 

Did you say you physically removed the fan connector and it was OK or just did not ask the fan to be on at all in the gcode?







Respondido : 03/03/2023 10:00 pm