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Print sizes consistently incorrect  

Michel Streurman
New Member
Print sizes consistently incorrect

So I printed a size calibration of 100*100*100 mm and the lengths are off enough so that holes that should fit some pins are not round enough anymore. I did a full reset of the printer (MK3S) and recalibrated it successfully and am using the latest firmware (3.11.0). I'm slicing with PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 and have the zipped G-code here calibration_axis_0.2mm_PLA_MK3S_55m

The lengths I'm getting after cooling down for about 15min are X: 99.71mm / Y: 99.52mm / Z: 100.28mm is there any way to correct this without having to change the sizes of the object by hand every single time by a percentage? These sizes are pretty consistent because it has a ~0.01-0.02mm deviation over 3 prints of this same object freshly sliced every time.

This topic was modified 2 years temu 4 times by Michel Streurman
Opublikowany : 10/11/2022 7:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Print sizes consistently incorrect

If memory serves there’s an XY compensation value you can adjust in PrusaSlicer.

I think this will adjust both axis the same so if you set the value at 101% for example, the changes will be made equally to both X and Y dimensions.

For the Z value, you can try variable layer height to try to get closer to your target value.

Doing this from memory as I’m not at my computer to look at the settings. I’m sure someone here will provide a better description of how to make the changes. Just trying to point you in the right direction.


Opublikowany : 10/11/2022 9:53 pm
Noble Member
RE: Print sizes consistently incorrect

Randy is right, there is a xy-compensation value to shrink/expand your model in slicer (print settings-advanced). Not sure if it's good idea to use this instead of adjusting the models.

You need to be very sure about the accuracy of your measurements if you use them above a certain threshold to optimize your print's dimensions.

It ist not recommended to adjust x and y axis steps to get more accurate dimensions anymore (used to be done a lot in the beginning of 3D printing when gears, belts and steppers had a variety of inaccuracies to be adjusted for. Even in those days people tended to optimize for 20x20x20 cubes and did not realize that they screwed up more than they gained by doing so - unless 20x20x20 cubes where the only thing they wanted to print).

I'd print a small cube in vase mode and measure the walls and adjust the extrusion multiplier to match the extrusion width before everything else or use a different method to calibrate extrusion ( like )

z axis is a different thing, you would need to set your first layer to have the exact hight to get accurate z dimension. Unfortunately it's normally a better idea to optimize first layer for adhesion, not accuracy. Printing on a raft ist one way to get both (accuracy and adhesion) done.

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Opublikowany : 11/11/2022 10:29 am
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