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Print pausing frequently to “Heat”  

Eminent Member
Print pausing frequently to “Heat”

I’ve been successfully printing a variety of materials on my Mk3 for several months now. 3D noob.

FW 3.5.0, Slic3r PE 1.41.2 Taulman Bridge profile for current print, used successfully for smaller jobs.

Today, 50% thru a 6 hour nylon print, the printer started pausing every 15 to 45 seconds. Message on the screen says “Prusa i3 Mk 3 ready” then “heating”. Then print resumes after 5 seconds or so. . Extruder at 250, bed 90, no variations on screen. Printing in enclosure operating at 36% humidity and 29C. Filament pulled directly from an 8 hour dryer session.

I’d really appreciate hearing how to fix this.


Publié : 29/11/2018 9:48 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print pausing frequently to “Heat”

Per chat suggestion I reverted FW to 3.4.0, seems ok.

Publié : 29/11/2018 11:54 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Print pausing frequently to “Heat”

I womder if this is the same as i saw..

Was it Prusa who told you to go back to 3.4? If so, does this mean they acknowledge that this is a problem?

Publié : 30/11/2018 1:38 am
New Member
Re: Print pausing frequently to “Heat”

I am seeing the same problem on my MK3 after updating to the latest firmware.

Publié : 13/12/2018 7:43 am
New Member
Re: Print pausing frequently to “Heat”

I have exactly same problem ( )

Downgrade firmware to 3.4.2 does not help. Will try to 3.4.0

Publié : 13/12/2018 9:32 am
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