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Print job running from Repetier Host quit early  

New Member
Print job running from Repetier Host quit early

Just got my MK3 earlier this week, and got it together without too many hassles. It calibrated perfectly first time out, just took me a few tries to get the Z sensor and first layer tuned in, but printed PRUSA logo and Tree Frog perfectly.

I've used Repetier Host with my previous 3D printers with no problems. Installed the latest version since it is supposed to have support for the MK3. So to save time with copying the g-code to an SD card I was planning on using Repetier'

Connects to the printer and everything looks good. So I started a print job that should have taken a little over an hour. This is a model that I have printed just fine with my previous printers.

Note that I used the latest slic3r PR version to slice the model, the only thing changed from the default settings were to add a little more space between the model and a skirt, and to print support which was needed. I do have the Filament detector turned on, but haven't seen any issues so far with the PRUSA Silver filament that came with the printer.

The job started printing and was going well and then all of a sudden the printer stopped maybe 15 minutes into the print, and the HB and hot end both turned off. The X, Y and Z stayed where they were, just the HB and extruder turned off and the print job stopped.

NO errors were presented either on the printer or in Repetier Host. And nothing else of any significance was going on with the computer at that point in time.

This is running on LInux so no nonsense from Microsoft with downloading updates, or other annoyances.

I haven't had a chance to do a repeat test yet. I copied the same g-code to the SD Card and the job printed fine from the card without stopping until it was done.

Has anyone else seen something similar when printing via USB from the computer? Note this is not the latest firmware, it is one version back from the 1.4.0 version which sounds like it might have some issues.

I'll try a couple of smaller jobs when I get a chance, and maybe test with the previous version of Repetier Host just for good measure.


Publié : 23/09/2018 1:01 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print job running from Repetier Host quit early

I may have a possible answer to what happened. I'll have to attempt some additional testing to confirm.

I remembered previously that if I had a print job running in Repetier and then brought up Simplify 3D that the print job running in Repetier would stop in much the same way that it did this time.

The problem there was that S3D was configured to try and talk to the printer if it was connected via USB. I was able to turn that feature off in S3D and had forgotten about it.

The only thing that I may have done while the print job was running was to bring up Slic3r to slice another model.

I recalled that Slic3r PR now has the firmware flashing ability built in so perhaps it tried to talk to the printer when I brought it back up and that is what effectively killed the print job. With S3D it was always checking to see if the printer was connected, so it had nothing to do with explicitly trying to print from S3D. So it may be Slic3r PR does a similar check for the presence of the printer even if you are not explicitly trying to flash the firmware.

I have started a print job this morning that is about 36 minutes worth of printing. It is about 50% done with no problems so far. But in this case I made sure that Slic3r is not even running, just in case that was the cause of the issue.

Publié : 23/09/2018 3:35 pm
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