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Print from SD fail after 3.5.2 Firmware upgrade?  

Active Member
Print from SD fail after 3.5.2 Firmware upgrade?

So I just flashed the new firmware last night - 3.5.2 for the MK3 (not MK3S), and tried to print a benchy from the SD card.

The normal mesh leveling kicked in, and it started printing, but after about 2 seconds (didn't complete one full outline on the bed) the printing just stopped. The display went back to normal, like it was waiting for the next command. The extruder stayed in the "printing" position, and promptly fused with the print. This was the same when I tried to print a marvin also, so it seems like a general bug in the firmware.

One interesting thing was that from the display, I had the option of "Restarting the print", which i tried, but the temperature of the extruder and the bed continued to drop, and it never restarted.

Has anyone else seen this? Can someone else test it?

Printing a model from Octoprint is working fine though! =D

Veröffentlicht : 16/02/2019 9:18 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Print from SD Card failing after 3.5.2 Firmware upgrade?

Can anyone comment on if they are experiencing this also?

Veröffentlicht : 24/02/2019 10:24 am
Estimable Member
Re: Print from SD fail after 3.5.2 Firmware upgrade?

I am not having any problems with 3.5.2-1999.


Veröffentlicht : 24/02/2019 7:27 pm