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Power Supply failure  

Strona 14 / 35
New Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Hello everyone..

Is the problem of MK3 power supply failures still unresolved? will orders be shipped with the same possible-defected part or will it be delayed until solved?

I am suppose to receive my MK3 soon so if the problem still exists I might cancel my order until it is properly resolved 😐

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 7:45 am
Prominent Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Look at the overall position. Figures published say that over 2000 Mk3's have shipped in the last two months and the percentage of failure reported here is very low. Additionally all failures have been honoured under warranty and replacements shipped without issue and if that is not enough then third party replacements can be obtained easily. I understand it is a concern but cancelling your order will send you to the back of the 3 - 4 month waiting list.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:01 am
Estimable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Hello everyone..

Is the problem of MK3 power supply failures still unresolved? will orders be shipped with the same possible-defected part or will it be delayed until solved?

I am suppose to receive my MK3 soon so if the problem still exists I might cancel my order until it is properly resolved 😐

Definitely still unresolved. PRUSA support is still telling people they are not aware of any widespread PSU issues. I interpret that to mean they have not yet officially acknowledged the problem, much less have they addressed it properly.

That said, if yours dies they will replace it free under warranty. If you're really worried about downtime, pick up a spare to have on hand for $50.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:08 am
New Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Look at the overall position. Figures published say that over 2000 Mk3's have shipped in the last two months and the percentage of failure reported here is very low. Additionally all failures have been honoured under warranty and replacements shipped without issue and if that is not enough then third party replacements can be obtained easily. I understand it is a concern but cancelling your order will send you to the back of the 3 - 4 month waiting list.

True. My only concern is a possible fire due to this defect. I wish Prusa publishes a statement quantifying the problem and assures users it is under control. Also, if a solution is around the corner, they can offer people on backorders with the option to wait and postpone the delivery until fully resolved.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:28 am
New Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Hello everyone..

Is the problem of MK3 power supply failures still unresolved? will orders be shipped with the same possible-defected part or will it be delayed until solved?

I am suppose to receive my MK3 soon so if the problem still exists I might cancel my order until it is properly resolved 😐

Definitely still unresolved. PRUSA support is still telling people they are not aware of any widespread PSU issues. I interpret that to mean they have not yet officially acknowledged the problem, much less have they addressed it properly.

That said, if yours dies they will replace it free under warranty. If you're really worried about downtime, pick up a spare to have on hand for $50.

Even tough I am not so much excited about this option, it seems the only available option compared to waiting for another 3 months on backorders 🙄

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:36 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

I would love for someone to send one of these failed power supplies to BigClive on YouTube.

He's a dry witted Scottish electrical wizard who loves dissecting things like power supplies, tracing out the circuitry and working out why the "magic smoke" came out of something.

Has anyone had any feedback from Prusa when their old power supplies were returned to them for inspection?

Mine haven't gone back yet, I was waiting to actually get a working one and send all the failed ones back together.

My 2nd replacement appears to work (although I'm sticking with the MeanWell), so they go back this week.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 1:58 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Look at the overall position. Figures published say that over 2000 Mk3's have shipped in the last two months and the percentage of failure reported here is very low. Additionally all failures have been honoured under warranty and replacements shipped without issue and if that is not enough then third party replacements can be obtained easily. I understand it is a concern but cancelling your order will send you to the back of the 3 - 4 month waiting list.

As anecdotal evidence suggests the problem is only prevalent on 110v, to be fair with the numbers you really need to be comparing the number of reported PSU failures to the total number of U.S.-based MK3 owners who are actively reporting their problems to this forum. That number is going to be far, far less than 2000. I agree that 20 burnt PSUs out of 2000 isn't a bad ratio. But if that number turns out to be more like 20 out of 300, and the failures are causing sparks and/or flames, then you have an actual problem on your hands.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 3:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Look at the overall position. Figures published say that over 2000 Mk3's have shipped in the last two months and the percentage of failure reported here is very low. Additionally all failures have been honoured under warranty and replacements shipped without issue and if that is not enough then third party replacements can be obtained easily. I understand it is a concern but cancelling your order will send you to the back of the 3 - 4 month waiting list.

True. My only concern is a possible fire due to this defect. I wish Prusa publishes a statement quantifying the problem and assures users it is under control. Also, if a solution is around the corner, they can offer people on backorders with the option to wait and postpone the delivery until fully resolved.

Absolutely, the potential fire hazard is my main concern as well. Which is why my replacement Prusa PSU will only ever get used if my Meanwell happens to die, and only while I am at home to supervise it.

The only way I can see it being truly "under control" would be for PR to find a new PSU supplier, heavily test the new units on 110v/60Hz, and recall all of the questionable power supplies in circulation. So far no indication of any of that happening.

Whatever the weak/faulty components within the PSU are, the condition is definitely being aggravated by an overcurrent condition. I now have an ammeter permanently hooked up to my Meanwell, and I have seen it peak out many times at 240-245 watts. That means the PRUSA 240watt PSU has zero headroom on this printer. Bad move on PRUSA's part.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 3:20 pm
Craig Trader
Eminent Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Yesterday my power supply failed quietly. It was in the middle of a print (PLA, normal temps), and it just stopped. No fireworks, no noises, just a dead printer. I pulled the fuse, and it was blown. Presumably the power supply itself failed and by attempting to draw too much current, blew the fuse. I can replace the fuse, but I'm pretty sure that whatever caused the first fuse to blow will reoccur.

I got replacement fuses, and it turns out the power supply itself is completely non-functioning.

It's not pinin'! It's passed on! This power supply is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! Its metabolic processes are now 'istory! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, It's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! He's f*ckin' snuffed it!..... THIS IS AN EX-POWER SUPPLY!!

Last night I chatted with another tech (Shane) and Prusa should be sending me a replacement power supply Real Soon Now (but no tracking number yet).

(It's a good thing that I hadn't torn down my Mk2 for the Mk2S upgrade yet -- I still have things to print this week.)

- Craig -

I solve problems, usually with computers ...

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 7:12 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Power Supply failure

But if that number turns out to be more like 20 out of 300, and the failures are causing sparks and/or flames, then you have an actual problem on your hands.

43.3% of the orders on the tracking spreadsheet are from the US, at 291 orders. Unless that sheet has captured all of the US orders, it'll probably be closer to 1000 units shipped to the US (Based on 2000 being shipped already)

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 7:18 pm
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Ok. Since Prusa customer service is swamped I decided to overnight a Meanwell 350w 24v power supply. I read through this forum but didn't see any followups on the following issues.

1. Someone mentioned that since the Meanwell has three legs, that it may be required to use jumpers from the unused leg to the two that will be used. This really seems unnecessary but I wanted confirmation. A computer power supply rated at 400 watts has a ton of unused connectors for example.

2. Has anyone confirmed whether the power panic module works? Are the capacitors large enough to provide enough time to save the position of the gcode?

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 7:25 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

1. Someone mentioned that since the Meanwell has three legs, that it may be required to use jumpers from the unused leg to the two that will be used. This really seems unnecessary but I wanted confirmation. A computer power supply rated at 400 watts has a ton of unused connectors for example.

I can't speak to all models of Meanwell, but the SP-320-24 does not have separate rails or legs. All three V+ screw terminals are tied to the one single leg. If the other models under consideration are labeled as "single output", then this holds true for them as well.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 8:49 pm
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Power Supply failure

My Mean Well power supply came damaged from Amazon because they crammed it into a box end to end. So I’m down for at least a day maybe two. Unlucky!! I also thought these were made in Tawain but the PSU said made in China. Oh well. Just as long as it’s better than prusa’s crap PSU.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 9:53 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Oh well. Just as long as it’s better than prusa’s crap PSU.

Definitely unlucky! But rest assured you will have better luck with the Meanwell. I own six of their PSUs (several in lighting applications, so high current and long runtime) and they've all been rock solid. I've never had a single problem with a Meanwell.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 10:09 pm
Active Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Has anyone using the Mean Well power supply successfully pulled the Power Panic board from the original Prusa PSU and re-used it in the Mean Well setup? Tested/working? I'm waiting to order my MK3 and any noise (clicking) doesn't bother me, but if it's a FIRE hazard, then it's a deal breaker for me and would want to replace it with a better PSU if Prusa Research hasn't confirmed anything further about the PSU issue being resolved (besides firmware), new vendor, etc. in their latest shipments.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 10:22 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Ok. Since Prusa customer service is swamped I decided to overnight a Meanwell 350w 24v power supply. I read through this forum but didn't see any followups on the following issues.

1. Someone mentioned that since the Meanwell has three legs, that it may be required to use jumpers from the unused leg to the two that will be used. This really seems unnecessary but I wanted confirmation. A computer power supply rated at 400 watts has a ton of unused connectors for example.

2. Has anyone confirmed whether the power panic module works? Are the capacitors large enough to provide enough time to save the position of the gcode?

I see no reason to jumper the legs. I have the same supply. I have the Einsy/Bed power connected to two of the three legs. I have the power-panic little red wire connected to the third + leg. The three legs are designed to support 350W, the two can carry 240W with no issue.

I've tried the power-panic once with the MeanWell 350. I started a print, then turned off the power-strip. The nozzle lifted and shifted a bit to the side. I turned it back on. The display indicated power-loss, and I was able to continue the print.

I never tried power-panic on the original PSU, so I don't know if it was able to shift further (indication of more cap).

It's a moot point for me, I am not using power-panic. I have a UPS on the printer.

The MeanWell 350 case I designed fits the original Prusa power-panic plug/module, as well as the switch, and has space for the wires below.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 10:31 pm
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Power Supply failure

Ok. Since Prusa customer service is swamped I decided to overnight a Meanwell 350w 24v power supply. I read through this forum but didn't see any followups on the following issues.

1. Someone mentioned that since the Meanwell has three legs, that it may be required to use jumpers from the unused leg to the two that will be used. This really seems unnecessary but I wanted confirmation. A computer power supply rated at 400 watts has a ton of unused connectors for example.

2. Has anyone confirmed whether the power panic module works? Are the capacitors large enough to provide enough time to save the position of the gcode?

I see no reason to jumper the legs. I have the same supply. I have the Einsy/Bed power connected to two of the three legs. I have the power-panic little red wire connected to the third + leg. The three legs are designed to support 350W, the two can carry 240W with no issue.

I've tried the power-panic once with the MeanWell 350. I started a print, then turned off the power-strip. The nozzle lifted and shifted a bit to the side. I turned it back on. The display indicated power-loss, and I was able to continue the print.

I never tried power-panic on the original PSU, so I don't know if it was able to shift further (indication of more cap).

It's a moot point for me, I am not using power-panic. I have a UPS on the printer.

The MeanWell 350 case I designed fits the original Prusa power-panic plug/module, as well as the switch, and has space for the wires below.

Great. Thank you for the information.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2018 11:39 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Power Supply failure

I am waiting on my Mk3 to ship. Would you suggest not using the Prusa power supply, and just go with the 350W supply from the get go.


Opublikowany : 16/02/2018 12:08 am
Active Member
Re: Power Supply failure

My power supply is fine but I have found the cable shipped with it is crap. It doesn't go all the way in and I've had the printer turn off, but a slight wiggle will turn it back on. I have since replace the cable with a more rubber based power cord (best way I can describe it) and it inserts all the way and I have not had any power blips since.

Opublikowany : 16/02/2018 2:57 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Power Supply failure

I am waiting on my Mk3 to ship. Would you suggest not using the Prusa power supply, and just go with the 350W supply from the get go.


I would use the prusa PSU. It works fine, I printed for a month with it before it died. When it did, no damage to anything else, no sparks, no smoke. The fuse did it’s job. 99% (estimate with no data) of the PSUs work perfectly.

If you start stock, it is straightforward to debug and get support or replacement for any issues.

If you have a business need to not have downtime, a backup PSU might not be a bad spare to have around, but don’t swap it in until you have a issue.

Opublikowany : 16/02/2018 4:21 am
Strona 14 / 35