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Power Panic PCB wiring  

New Member
Power Panic PCB wiring

I just got done chatting with Prusa technical support, who told me that they could not and would not answer my question because I was making an "unsupported modification". Perhaps one of you fine people have had experience with this, or would be willing to undo a few screws to snap me a picture! I need to know which pads on the Power Panic PCB the black and white wires go to. If someone would be willing to open up their PSU and snap a picture of one that shipped from the factory, or if any of you can read wiring schematics (I can't) and tell me the answer???

A little background:

I am putting my i3 MK3 into an enclsoure based on the Ikea LACK end tables, according to their blog post here: . The instructions are half-baked at best, and require you to permanently disable the Power Panic feature of the MK3 (by unplugging the black and white wires from the Einsey). This is because the power supply gets moved outside of the enclosure and the black and white wires aren't long enough to reach from the new location.

Well, I thought -- that's an easy solution! In addition to extending the 4 main power supply wires feeing the Einsey board, I will simply extend the black and white Power Panic wires as well! Cut the wires in half and solder in an extension, right? Except, why solder twice when all I have to do is un-solder the wires from the Power Panic PCB (inside of the black part on the PSU) and solder my extension there!! Which is what I did, late last night, right before bed. Except, I forgot to check which wire went to which pad....

I found the wiring diagram for the Power Panic PCB on GitHub ( ) and I see that the connection does appear to be polarized. Meaning if I get the wires wrong, there's a chance I could fry my Einsey board. And I doubt I could get a replacement, what with Prusa's large backlog of MK3s that they're still shipping out.

Can anyone help out this dumb idiot so that I DON'T fry the Einsey board on my nearly new i3 MK3? I will be forever grateful, and might even buy you a beer if I ever see you in person.

Publié : 28/05/2018 5:58 pm
Chris P
Eminent Member
Re: Power Panic PCB wiring

for some reason the pinout is reversed from the einsy board:

Ground here is on pin 1 of jumper 16.

The powerpanic board has ground on 2. The square connector on P8 of the powerpanic board is connector 1 and thus should be connected to pin 2 of J16 on the Einsy.

as far as I can tell white would be ground and connected to the ground connector on the powerpanic board and black is connected to the square.

Publié : 29/05/2018 2:53 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Power Panic PCB wiring

This is the schematic that I couldn't find! Thank you so much!!

as far as I can tell white would be ground and connected to the ground connector on the powerpanic board and black is connected to the square.

So to make sure I understand here, the purpose of the ground between these two boards is to make the ground planes common to both boards, right? This would help ensure that voltage measurements aren't off, which would result in false positives.

I'm terrified of frying my Einsey board, mainly because I don't want to shell out $110 for a new one from UltiMachine. XD Otherwise, I would've taken my 50/50 shot of getting it right and just trying it.

Publié : 29/05/2018 4:34 pm
Petar Ivanov
New Member
Re: Power Panic PCB wiring

Here you can see the picture.

Publié : 02/07/2018 3:08 pm
FEW a aimé
New Member
Re: Power Panic PCB wiring

Kind of a dumb question but what do so need to buy to build a longer panic cable? I’ve never built a cable like that before...



Publié : 05/10/2018 8:25 am
Estimable Member
RE: Power Panic PCB wiring

For anyone else with the same question: wire is wire, as long as it's not thinner.  My plan is to cut the wire in half, and solder a new length in the middle, ensuring that black and white remain the same at both ends. Use shrink tubing to protect the splice.

(I'm dumbfounded why anyone would  modify the circuit board for this simple project, and then complain that the factory wouldn't support the modification. No company anywhere would do that.)

Publié : 20/04/2021 8:22 pm
Dave B.
New Member
Power panic PCB pullup voltage reading

Hi, can anyone tell me what the voltage reading should be between the pins on the 2-pin power panic header on the Einsy board when it is powered-up?  According to the Einsy Rambo V1.1 schematic, I think I should be pulled-up to +5V when the cable is unplugged from the board.  It reads around +2.3 volts on my DMM.   Been having random power panic resets, and wonder if the problem is related.

Publié : 28/08/2021 6:50 pm
Active Member

@petar-i Your clear photo was very helpful to me also. Thank you! 👍 

Ce message a été modifié il y a 3 years par FEW
Publié : 10/01/2022 6:08 pm
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