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Possible warped heatbed  

New Member
Possible warped heatbed

When I got my Prusa i3 Mk3 a few months back I assembled it and immediately ran into adhesion issues due to what I assume was an uneven print surface. I tried all manner of troubleshooting steps suggested on various forums to no avail. I ended up shelving the printer to fix at a later date, now I'm giving it a second try.

I ended up hooking the Mk3 up to my computer running Pronterface and sent a G81 command, below are the results

0.16833 0.21472 0.22944 0.21250 0.16389 0.08361 -0.02833
0.17148 0.21764 0.22906 0.20574 0.14767 0.05487 -0.07269
0.17093 0.21163 0.21730 0.18796 0.12360 0.02422 -0.11019
0.16667 0.19667 0.19417 0.15917 0.09167 -0.00833 -0.14083
0.15870 0.17277 0.15965 0.11935 0.05187 -0.04279 -0.16463
0.14704 0.13993 0.11376 0.06852 0.00422 -0.07915 -0.18157
0.13167 0.09815 0.05648 0.00667 -0.05130 -0.11741 -0.19167

Plugged into a visualiser it looks like this:

So does anyone have any possible solutions or should I contact Prusa for a replacement heatbed?
Thanks for any help in advance, I can't wait to get printing!

Publié : 25/12/2018 6:32 am
Honorable Member
Re: Possible warped heatbed

G81 doesn't necesarily show bed flatness, just what the probe is reporting and there are a lot of ways that can happen. can you show us the original issue?

that said, your map really isn't bad at all. if you do it right, pinda should be able to handle it (combined with some mesh correction).

Publié : 25/12/2018 7:22 am
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