Possible to reuse previous mesh, and not level every print?
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Possible to reuse previous mesh, and not level every print?  

New Member
Possible to reuse previous mesh, and not level every print?

I am trying to do some large multi color prints, with just a single nozzle, by printing multiple files on top of each other. The previously printed parts interfere with the mesh leveling for the next color. I tried removing the G80, and just use G28 W, but the nozzle ends up a good 2 millimeters off the bed, even though the LCD shows .2 mm Z height. G29 isn't recognized. I was certain  I had just removed the G80 a couple firmware versions back, but I can't figure anything out now.

I am using Slic3r PE 1.41.3, and PrusaSlicer 2.0.0 RC.

Respondido : 20/05/2019 6:44 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Possible to reuse previous mesh, and not level every print?

Hi Scott, 

I am guessing that you already have the multiple prints set up so that they 'nest' together properly... in the required order. 

and I am guessing that you don't have an MMU...

If this is the case, you could go ahead and load the Prusa Mk3 or Mk3S profile, which ever is most appropriate and set it up with multiple virtual extruders.    set one extruder to each colour, and add     the gcode command         M600 to the layer change custom gcode section. 

See this older thread  https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk3s-mk3-how-do-i-print-this-printing-help/acting-as-my-own-mmu/#post-100939


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 20/05/2019 11:25 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Possible to reuse previous mesh, and not level every print?

That is an interesting approach I wasn't aware of it. However, it doesn't appear to be as efficient as I was hoping.

Even though I added M600 to the tool change gcode, it is still wanting to print a purge block. Even after I changed the purge volumes to 0.

I need 5 colors, and was wanting 2 layers at .2mm. This  approach would require 10 changes. If I could print each color, 2 layers high before changing, and use a .6mm Z hop, I would only need 5 changes. 

I just need to do a Z home, and reuse the previous mesh. It shouldn't have changed in the few minutes between colors.

Respondido : 20/05/2019 10:34 pm