Original calibration files
I've recalibrated and used the built-in first layer z-pattern to live adjust. There was an additional file included on the sd card that was a larger rectangle. Any idea where I can find that?
Thanks for any help!
Which printer?
Prebuilt or kit?
New or has been working OK previously?
RE: Original calibration files
MK3S+. It was a kit I assembled over a year ago, and have made many prints. Haven't used it in 2-3 months, and it had crash detection on Y-axis. Went ahead and performed new calibration, which involves the z-pattern (?). I've misplaced the SD card that had the preloaded files, specifically the simple rectangle (maybe 150mm wide) calibration file, and the PRUSA logo file.
For the presliced beginner files look at: https://www.printables.com/social/16-prusa-research/collections
crash detection on Y-axis
Maybe the lubrication had dried or collected dust...
The three common reasons for prints suddenly failing after a printer has been unused for a while:
A dirty print bed. Give it a really thorough clean and avoid touching the print area.
Damp filament. Look up threads here about drying filament especially if it has been left open.
General neglect, dust and cobwebs... Basic cleaning, lubrication and general maintenance have all been missed.
See: https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/i3-printers-regular-maintenance_2072
RE: Original calibration files
Thank you. I did clean and lubricate, and that did the trick for the movement. My desire to recalibrate was more about generally thinking "why not?"... I decision I am now regretting. 🙂 Thanks for the link!