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Odd problem with hotend height  

Active Member
Odd problem with hotend height
  1. Hey guys! new to the Prusa family. I just got my hands on a i3 mk3s and it's been prebuilt. I did the calibration and all that stuff and everything seems to be working properly. but when I start a print, the tip seems to be a tad too high and causes the print to not stick to the bed and start blobing up. I try to lower it but it won't go any lower? it seems to just sit at zero. hopefully I worded this correctly enough to understand. I'm not sure what's going on. but any help would be appreciated! 

Best Answer by FoxRun3D:

seems to just sit at zero

Not sure what that means. A proper first layer calibration should be anywhere between 0 and -2.0 for the Live Z value, ideally around -1.00 to have enough flexibility to adjust to different sheets, nozzles, etc, up and down. If you can't go lower because it hits the sheet, you may have to move the PINDA sensor a tad up. 

Posted : 10/02/2023 6:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Odd problem with hotend height

seems to just sit at zero

Not sure what that means. A proper first layer calibration should be anywhere between 0 and -2.0 for the Live Z value, ideally around -1.00 to have enough flexibility to adjust to different sheets, nozzles, etc, up and down. If you can't go lower because it hits the sheet, you may have to move the PINDA sensor a tad up. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 10/02/2023 7:20 pm
cin05bus liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Odd problem with hotend height

Oh i see what you mean!! i dialed with the live Z value to+1 and it seems to be printing and sticking fine to the bed. I wonder why i had to do that? would it be the PINDA sensor ?

Posted : 11/02/2023 12:24 am
Noble Member

Everybody has to do that, it is the last step of the initial calibration. There is no way around it because the offset depends on several factors that are unique to every printer (how far in sits your hot end's nozzle, where did you mount the PINDA, how thick is the coating of your PEI sheet, what is the exact trigger distance of your PINDA). So you just have to find the right offset for your setup by running the first layer calibration (or one of the alternate methods out there). The result is your personal z-offset for your configuration. You have to re do it if you change any of the dependencies (nozzle change, new PEI sheet, extrude setup).

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Find out why this is pinned in the general section!

Posted : 11/02/2023 11:16 am
cin05bus liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Odd problem with hotend height

I see that! im very excited it was that easy! i already did my first print on it and im very impressed! waaaaay nicer then my chiron! Thanks so much everyone!!

Posted : 11/02/2023 2:35 pm