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Octoprint question  

Estimable Member
Octoprint question

When Octoprint is running, can you make MK3 printer TUNE adjustments from the printer LCD front panel control like you can if printing from the SD card?

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Veröffentlicht : 07/09/2018 2:18 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Octoprint question

You can adjust the print temperature on the fly from Octoprint, providing there are no further temperature changes within the g-code file being printed, adjust the % feed rate and potentially the fan speed for the part cooling fan and even cancel the print job, set nozzle & bed to 0C and raise the head manually on the Octoprint web interface.

You cannot do things like fine tune first layer z value height from Octoprint (as far as I know, there is no G-code to support that) or remotely toggle between normal & stealth modes. Even if Octoprint is streaming a gcode file to the printer over USB, you can still then walk up to the machine and use the tuning menu on the printer LCD screen. I would want to be in front of the machine if I was making any of these changes anyway, so not having them on Octoprint is no big loss.

On that note - if anyone has a list of Prusa-specific g-codes that go off-piste from stock Marlin g-codes ( ) , it would be great to see them.

Veröffentlicht : 07/09/2018 2:52 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Octoprint question

Thanks for the detailed answer information.

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Veröffentlicht : 07/09/2018 3:23 pm