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New User Struggling With Printer Version  

New User Struggling With Printer Version

Hi folks! I purchased a used Prusa printer. This is my first printer. The printer was advertised as an MK3S+ and had firmware 3.13.X on it. I was able to get the firmware updated to 3.14.0 with some help from the fine folks on Discord BUT I'm struggling to understand a number of things. Firstly, when I view the firmware downloads page ( https://help.prusa3d.com/downloads) I see the MK3S+ firmware listed under the MMU3 section. I know enough to know I don't have an MMU3. When I look at the 3.9S and 3.5S downloads I notice their firmware versions are at 6.XX. I'm so confused about which printer I have and what firmware I should be running. I have been able to successfully print several benchy and the prints look good. However, when I try to slice my own print and run the gcode I get a message about the gcode being sliced for the wrong printer. I've tried the presets for the 3.9S and 3.5S in prusaslicer and the MMU3.

I would appreciate ANY insight into the different versions and what my issue might be. I'm very lost...

Respondido : 01/11/2024 3:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: New User Struggling With Printer Version

Try this. Go down to MK3S+ and download




Respondido : 01/11/2024 11:39 pm
retromat me gusta
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: New User Struggling With Printer Version

The MK3xx series and the MK3.5xx and upwards series of printers use different controller boards, called Einsy on the MK3xx, and Buddy on the MK3.5xx and higher. That is why the firmware versions are so different. You have to use the correct firmware for your controller board, don't worry that the firmware version for the Buddy boards is so much higher.
I am running my MK3S+ on firmware 3.11 and it works just fine. 🙂

Respondido : 02/11/2024 12:25 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: New User Struggling With Printer Version

Thank you! That helps me understand the differences in the MK machines. Is there a good resource that outlines the differences in the stock printers? If not, it seems like there should be. A break down of the major differences would be incredibly helpful as a new user.

Respondido : 02/11/2024 9:19 pm