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New MK3s Very Noisy in X-Y moves  

Active Member
New MK3s Very Noisy in X-Y moves

Two month old MK3s. I lubed bearings when I assembled it.

There have been several posts about noise but all 1-3 years old. Was there ever a solution to this noise? Mine is terrible in any X-Y move in non-stealth mode. In stealth mode it's better and what I would consider normal for stepper motors. It almost sounds like a harmonics issue when the X and Y steppers are running at or near the same frequency because it's not something I can feel in either motors.  Maybe some setting in the stepper driver setup? I wouldn't call this a quiet machine even with the full enclosure.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2019 11:53 pm
Noble Member
RE: New MK3s Very Noisy in X-Y moves

Given that I can't hear mine when it is running - I would say that is not normal.

Try holding on to each stepper motor (one at a time...) when it is running and see if the noise damps down.

Something seems to be picking up the noise - and amplifying it.

I should ask - how do you acoustically isolate your enclosure? I have mine on felt pads.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 5 years von rmm200
Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2019 12:34 am
Illustrious Member
RE: New MK3s Very Noisy in X-Y moves

My MK3 is virtually silent in SILENT mode ... and only makes a bit of noise in NORMAL.  I can watch TV while it's running 8 feet away and it doesn't disturb.

Generally - noise is caused by friction - if you pull up the meaningless "blet tension" numbers, what do they say?

And, how did you lubricate the bearings? Be explicit explaining how you did that.

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2019 2:34 am