Motor step angle and screw pitch for MK3: 1.8* and .8mm?
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Motor step angle and screw pitch for MK3: 1.8* and .8mm?  

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Rob Mohr
New Member
RE: Motor step angle and screw pitch for MK3: 1.8* and .8mm?


The magic number should be calculated using the number of natural steps in 360 degrees and distance traveled in Z per full rotation.  Given the 1.8 degree step of the Prusa i3 MK3S motor, the number of natural steps is 200.  Given the 8mm diameter rod with a lead of 8mm, Z will move by 8mm per complete revolution.  The magic number is (Z distance travel/steps per full rotation) = 8/200 = 0.04 mm.  As such, your layer heights should ideally be divisible by 0.04 mm.  This will avoid any possible variation in height thickness in the resulting print due to micro-stepping variations.  A somewhat decent discussion of this is here: .  Note that the video referenced above includes an example of a print done at 0.10mm and 0.12mm thickness, where the 0.12mm was a multiple of the magic number for the Ender 3 he was using.  Under a microscope you can see the variations in the layer thicknesses that resulted with using the 0.10mm layer height.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years 3 veces por Rob Mohr
Respondido : 13/01/2021 3:02 am
Lars Clausen
Active Member
RE: Motor step angle and screw pitch for MK3: 1.8* and .8mm?

I started doing some more systematic tests of the effect of magic numbers, see Will post again when I have more results.

Respondido : 30/01/2021 12:56 pm
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