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MMU2 motor not synched with extruder  

New Member
MMU2 motor not synched with extruder


after the upgrade to MK3s, I have a lot of problems with loading filament.

I noticed that when the extruder runs, the mmu2 motor, that is supposed to push the filament is not moving.

It's intended or is a firmware (3.7.2) bug?

Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2019 11:58 pm
Active Member
RE: MMU2 motor not synched with extruder

I may be wrong, but I thought the MMU was clutched one the extruder had the filament so only one fed?

Veröffentlicht : 01/09/2019 10:51 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: MMU2 motor not synched with extruder

as soon as the extruder is loaded the MMU idler is rotated a small amount to release the filament from the drive gears. at that point the extruder is pulling and pushing the filament and the MMU is not involved at all. when the printer needs to unload/change the filament the extruder goes thru the end forming cycle and reverse feeds the filament till its out of the bondtech gears in the extruder - then the MMU reengages the idler bearing and unloads the filament past the selector

Veröffentlicht : 02/09/2019 1:45 am