Mk3s+MMU2s Replace filament problem
Hi all,
When filaments end the procedure to replace filament is not working.
When the filament end pass the pinda on the MMU, the printer detects and try to unload
To unload the extruder reverses till the tip pass the gear, now the MMUgear should take care of the filament to unload, but maybe, the distance is too long and the filament passes the gear extruder but is not engaged by the MMUgear, so the two motors spin forever...
You have to remove the PTFE tube, push back the filament by hand, and then go on with the replacement.
I tried it twice with the same result, and I'm quite sure that with the MK3 extruder the procedure was working fine.
I think the new extruder (MK3S) is shorter than the previous one, so the distance from the gear to the hotend is shorter than MMU PINDA and MMU gear.
Someone else had the same problem?