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MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?  

Eminent Member
MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?


I've updated the firmware last a year ago, and I can't remember what's the next steps are. Plus, i have now installed a 0.6 nozzle.

Do i need to run the calibration wizard? can i do that even if the nozzle is not the standard size?

Do i need to set again the layer height for the different sheets? 

I feel like I should know this at this point, but my brain is not helping..

Thank you!

Publié : 31/12/2023 2:55 am
vincele a aimé
Active Member
RE: MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?

Hi, I would have been in the same boat as you, but I convinced myself not to update the firmware, seeing all the horror show that it seems to be...

Sorry I can't help though

Publié : 18/02/2024 11:08 am
Noble Member
RE: MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?


Posted by: @mammanta


I've updated the firmware last a year ago, and I can't remember what's the next steps are. Plus, i have now installed a 0.6 nozzle.

Do i need to run the calibration wizard? can i do that even if the nozzle is not the standard size?

You can do and should do every build in calibration with the new firmware. See:

Do i need to set again the layer height for the different sheets? 

Yes, not because of the firmware update but because you changed your nozzle.

I feel like I should know this at this point, but my brain is not helping..

Thank you!


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Publié : 18/02/2024 12:43 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?

You can do and should do every build in calibration with the new firmware. See:

Thank you for this article! When i had changed the nozzle size to 0.6 many months ago, i did a layer calibration, but creating my own gcode file, because the firmware's default 'first layer calibration' was supporting only the default 0.4, and i didn't know it was possible to use it now with other sizes! so very good to know that it's simpler to do 🙂

After i had posted this, since I didn't get replies, I winged and ended up doing the Thermal calibration (new with the firmware), z-layer, and a first layer with my own 3x3" square. I used the belt tool to check tension and belts seem still ok. Overall machine works and new firmware seems better 🙂

thank you though, sometimes the smaller changes to the firmware like this new first layer calibration support, fall through the cracks and i had no idea it was there.

Publié : 19/02/2024 12:50 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3s+ Updated Firmware to latest - What's next?


It is scary to put hands to the machine (when it's working), or at least it feels that way for me, but firmware updates are important, and many new functionalities are implemented. So yeah, there's chances for messing up, but it can be helpful too 🙂

I had done it already, so no way to go back. I like to follow directions so the fact that there are sometimes conflicting information out there it's hard for me.

I didn't run the Calibration Wizard, but mostly because i had changed the nozzle size and wasn't sure it would work with that. Plus i hadn't touched the superPinda location and didn't feel like i needed to readjust that part.

I did the new Thermal calibration, which took about 10 minutes, then the z-calibration, and then a first layer, but not the machine's default (I didn't know it now supports different nozzle sizes). If your nozzle was the same though, that would work easily. I also did a calibration cube, as the machine is now in an enclosure, which unfortunately is causing more vibrations, so i'm trying to fix that.

I'm not a huge expert (clearly), but if you need to bounce ideas let me know.

Publié : 19/02/2024 12:56 am
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