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MK3S suddenly lost its ability to home... - SOLVED  

MK3S suddenly lost its ability to home... - SOLVED

Hi all. I've had my i3 MK3S since the day before it was released =). I love it. I've printed numerous awesome prints with it.

Unfortunately, an issue has arisen and I'm not sure how to address it.

I was in the 5th hour of an 8 hour print (PETG, if that matters). A print I've done already 3 times before. When suddenly it crashed suddenly. The print looked reasonably OK, so I allowed the printer to continue when it asked. It started to print again, but the X-axis was shifted to the right and attempting to lay down filament where there was nothing to support it. Odd. So, I canceled the print.

I tried numerous time to print anything since. I've also recalibrated everything using the wizard, and, last night, I even updated the firmware to 3.5.3 FINAL for MK3S. The PINDA successfully found the calibration points and everything seems fine until I attempt to print (or auto home, see below). The printer moves the head on the X, Y and Z axes, as we can see here when I attempt to do Calibration > Auto Home.

But the printer won't move to the home position on the X-axis.

Anyone know what's wrong here?

EDIT: Updated GIF to show the whole auto home process.

Veröffentlicht : 21/02/2019 8:50 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S suddenly lost its ability to home...

Have you tried an XYZ calibration? Looks to me that it thinks it's at the origin, lowers down to sense the location, and doesn't find it, because it's quite a ways off from there.

Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2019 12:21 am
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MK3S suddenly lost its ability to home...

OK, so, turns out, my belt status was too tight. Shane from Prusa helped me find the settings in the menu and my X-axis belt was reading 174, which, I've since found out from Shane and the handbook (Pg. 72) is way too tight. I loosened up the X-axis belt and now it seems to be finding home again. Thanks, Shane!

Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2019 1:07 am