MK3S stops extruding filament
Hello everyone
Months ago, I got the first issues with my MK3S. After minutes or (many) hours (it happens very irregularly), the printer stops extruding filament but continues to 'print'. Sometimes a little amount of filament still comes out by bits, sometimes nothing. After the failed print, the filament is stuck and needs to be pulled out with a reasonable amount of force.
I hoped the problem would be solved with the planned MMU-extension. Unfortunately, the problem still existed after the build was ready and I went on searching for a solution.
Changing filament was not a solution (I tried different kinds of filament and different brands).
I also bought and installed a new nozzle, hotend heaterblock and hotend heater cartridge. Finally I checked the temperature during the prints; no temperature-drop occured.
Someone familiar with this problem? Or any suggestions what I can try to solve the problem?
Hopefully, my English is understandable enough... 😉
Thanks in advance for the help.
RE: MK3S stops extruding filament
Do a cold pull and post an image here. I will try to help.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: MK3S stops extruding filament
Hereby the photo of the cold pull.
Thanks for the help, Chuck!