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mk3s resets in the middle of a print  

Active Member
mk3s resets in the middle of a print

My mk3s has started resetting in the middle of a print.  When it does this it reports it as a power panic and asks if I want to recovery the print.  If I answer Yes, it immediately resets again and repeats the process.  Would an internal reset from various sources (even a software crash/reboot) cause it to think there was a power panic?  Or is that fact evidence that the issue is with the power supply?  The printer seems to hit this around the same spot in the print ~6-8 layers / ~45 minutes in.  I moved the parts around and re-sliced and still hit the issue.  One other thing to note is that now when I start the unit, the LCD display seems to flicker/flash a bit at the beginning.  I do have a replacement LCD board that I'm going to swap in to see if that helps.  I'll also reseat all of the various cables, but the failure (3x so far) seems generally consistent

Serial output in octoprint doesn't show anything wrong.  It just restarts in the middle of the print with no additional output.

Also of note is that I'm in the middle of a series of ABS prints and I have the closet the printer is in at a higher than normal temperature (~35C), so its possible that temperature is a factor.

Napsal : 25/08/2022 12:40 am
Illustrious Member

First check whether the printer is telling the truth.

Unless you have specialist kit the easiest way to check your main electricity supply is to plug in an analogue radio and just listen.  If there are interruptions to the supply or electrical noise on the power line there will be audible crackles and interference...

Sometimes another appliance on the same supply can cause intermittent issues - a freezer with a slowly failing motor will cut in from time to time for example.

And then check the connection - try using a different power socket and a different cable etc.

the LCD display seems to flicker/flash a bit

This too can be a symptom of either a bad power supply or a poor connection.

When you are sure of the external power, pull and replug all the printer's internal connections in case something has come loose.

If issues persist come back with the details.




Napsal : 25/08/2022 7:37 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s resets in the middle of a print

I figured out the problem.  There was a small short (one strand) between the positive and negative wires of the parts cooling fan.  That only runs at startup and when bridging (with my current ABS print settings).  At startup, it caused the display flickering and when printing it caused the system reset.  Cleaning that up fixed the issue.

Napsal : 25/08/2022 4:30 pm
Illustrious Member

Thanks for the report, I don't recall seeing that cause before.


Napsal : 25/08/2022 11:29 pm