MK3S+ MMU2 Turns Off
My MK3 has worked fine for a few years. Recently I turned it on, printed something, after the print it sat idle for about 15 minutes. It then turned off even though the power switch is still on. I flip it off, back on, on/off real quick, unplug it for several hours, plug it back in, turn it on and it works again... Send a print job and about 1.5 hours into it, the printer turned off again.
How do I begin to troubleshoot this? A new power supply from Prusa is freaking $100.00! Are you kidding me? If it was that great, it would not have failed.
Could this be a failing stepper driver?
RE: MK3S+ MMU2 Turns Off
I would contact support by chat on this one. You do not need to buy from them, but they can help direct you to the problem.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog