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MK3_3.12 firmware Update Questions  

Active Member
MK3_3.12 firmware Update Questions

So both my Linux and Windows PrusaSlicer SW failed after they were updated.  Now I'm on PrusaSlicer 2.6.1 and my prints are failing so I updated the firmware to mk3_3_13_2_7080.hex.   But:
1)   The printer started up and asked me to to a Thermal Cal.   Printer fails thermal cal.   Printhead starts to heat up, then I get a Print Stopped message and the printer beeps.   Followed by Print Aborted.
2)   After repeating #1, I tried to do a PID Calibration per thermal cal instructions.   But Thermal cal starts to heat up, then cools down.  Never reaches the target temperature and stays at 0/5.  

So what am I supposed to do now?   And what else must one do after updating firmware?   I can not find instructions for what to run after a firmware update.

Printer ran great for 5 years.   Never needed to update unless I had to reload PrusaSlicer due to a linux upgrade.  Updates suck.  I really need to get my prints out again.

Also note prior to attempting the update printer firmware, Running PrusaSlicer 2.6.1, I was printing.   But my latest job failed with a K out of bounds error.   The print stopped and timed out cooling the printhead and sticking it to the unfinished print.   I'm assuming that my old firmware was not handing the gcode K command properly?  

Napsal : 16/11/2023 4:23 pm
melendez_k se líbí
RE: MK3_3.12 firmware Update Questions

TM: R[15] estimat. is the note on my LED screen and this has heated up 3 times since I ran the 3.12 firmware update  about 15 minutes ago. It heats up and then cools down. I see that the MESSAGE IS CHANGING with the number in brackets going down. TM: R[11] estimat.  , then R[7]. 

then it went to ALL is done. Happy printing.

Perhaps you were like me and impatient for it to complete the process. AFTER ALL the MESSAGE after Flash finished did say done as well. PERHAPS PURSA can change the message after the firmware update to say "Wait for configuration to complete"

Napsal : 20/11/2023 12:24 am