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MK3 Power Supply Clicking  

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MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I just built and calibrated my MK3. The power supply is clicking very similarly to this video I found:

The clicks seem to occur roughly in time with the bed heater light turning on and off.

Any ideas?

Posted : 17/12/2017 9:33 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I have the same issue. It’s most noticeable just as the bed approaches temperature for the first time. I’m assuming that the bed PID algorithm is causing a bang-bang on/off cycle rather than a smoother ramp, and that is trigger8ng current spikes, hence the noise. It generally settles down for me during the print.

I plan to do a bed PID calibration and see if that helps.

Posted : 17/12/2017 3:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Longer topic here: Loud rattling sound from PSU

Posted : 17/12/2017 3:23 pm
Active Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Longer topic here: Loud rattling sound from PSU

This is a separate issue.

Here we are talking about a light "clicking" noise when the bed is heating.

Posted : 17/12/2017 3:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Longer topic here: Loud rattling sound from PSU

Are they the same thing or a unique issue?

As far as I can tell they are distinct.

One I think is a mechanical sound from physical movement.

The other I believe to be a relay in the PSU cycling.

Posted : 17/12/2017 3:56 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

They may actually be related, as the current rush from the PWM switching causes loose inductor beads to 'twitch' in the changing magnetic field produced. I have seen quite a number of power supplies that when you are pulling high current produce clicking sounds.

Posted : 17/12/2017 4:26 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I have both, and they are definitely distinct.

I have the "loud rattle" that happens constantly. Metal on metal contact. Sticking a zip-tie into a slot seems to make this go away (from the back of the printer towards the front, about half-way up, on the bed side of the PSU). I think of this as normal printer vibration setting up sympathetic vibration in the PSU, and some loose part in PSU rattling. This is in the other thread.

I also have the clicking. This is a much more "electronic" sound, not a metal on metal rattle, and it is very specific and timed to when the heated bed causes quick on/off surges of current. I think of this as an inductive effect or some other current related effect in the PSU. This clicking is not affected when I do the zip-tie fix above, and this clicking does not require the printer to be actually printing.

Posted : 17/12/2017 4:40 pm
Active Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Chiming in that I have the clicking sound too.

It’s definitely coming from the PSU and only when the heaters are on.

Posted : 17/12/2017 8:24 pm
Trusted Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I have the impression Prusa made the MK3 too quiet...
Havent received mine yet but my current printer is loud enough that my wife doesnt allow me to run him during daytime...
Same is true for any noise. The potential clicking of the PSU, would in my currenty printer be totally overpowered by the stepper motor and fan noise
Will see how mine sounds when I hopefully receive it mid january.,

Posted : 17/12/2017 10:35 pm
Active Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Ditto....same PSU clicking noise.

Posted : 17/12/2017 11:52 pm
Active Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Talked to support, they said this is reason to be replaced. Make a video of the printer printing and clicking, and send it to [email protected]

Posted : 19/12/2017 12:48 am
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I have the impression Prusa made the MK3 too quiet...

I considered that initially; however this clicking occurs during the initial heating of the bed, just as it reaches temperature and the current cycles on and off prior to any stepper movement. The clicking would be immediately apparent on either of the Lulzbot TAZ 6 printers I've used. The TAZ 6 is a considerably louder printer in all other ways.

I experimented with placing a piece of cardboard between myself and the power supply, about an inch away from the PSU case. The loudness of the clicking was reduced dramatically. It is not a loud sound, but it is a sharp and annoying sound. I would be glad for a solution.

EDIT: just saw post above suggesting I record a video and share with support. I will do so and followup with results.

Posted : 19/12/2017 7:36 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Talked to support, they said this is reason to be replaced. Make a video of the printer printing and clicking, and send it to [email protected]

The soft clicking sound being discussed here which occurs when the heatbed mosfet switches on and off rapidly sounds to me like a relatively normal noise to hear from a PSU during abrupt current changes. I would be surprised if some people have machines that don't make this sound. (it may be that some people don't or can't hear it), and further surprised if Prusa is actually swapping PSUs out due to this.

I have dealt with a fair amound of solid state high current switching stuff and little inductor clicks and capacitor noise is to be expected, and the only times when it really causes issues is if it generates microphonics or affects EMI compliance. The usual remedy when there isn't necessarily a problem is just to goop everything up with silastic or cover up the PSU to mask the noise.

Posted : 19/12/2017 6:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Talked to support, they said this is reason to be replaced. Make a video of the printer printing and clicking, and send it to [email protected]

The soft clicking sound being discussed here which occurs when the heatbed mosfet switches on and off rapidly sounds to me like a relatively normal noise to hear from a PSU during abrupt current changes. I would be surprised if some people have machines that don't make this sound. (it may be that some people don't or can't hear it), and further surprised if Prusa is actually swapping PSUs out due to this.

I have dealt with a fair amound of solid state high current switching stuff and little inductor clicks and capacitor noise is to be expected, and the only times when it really causes issues is if it generates microphonics or affects EMI compliance. The usual remedy when there isn't necessarily a problem is just to goop everything up with silastic or cover up the PSU to mask the noise.

Prusa is sending me a replacement power supply as well and has asked that I return mine for further investigation.

At least in my case, this is not a soft clicking. It's obnoxious and I can hear it from across the room. None of the power supplies I use with my other printers make any noticeable noise other than fan noise. It doesn't make sense that Prusa would design the printer to be so quiet (going as far as to include an expensive Noctua fan), but then choose a power supply that is expected to make a constant racket while the printer is in use.

I could believe this is an issue with the power supply running on 120V rather than 220V. I guess we'll see when those of us who have reported issues begin receiving replacement power supplies.

Posted : 19/12/2017 11:02 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Same clicking here and i was originally thinking it was the capacitor but it is somewhere below that, the transformer area from what i can tell. no sparks even in the dark so i'm not overly concerned. interestingly enough the Pinda glows red in the dark.

Posted : 20/12/2017 12:19 am
New Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

My PSU is also doing the clicking with the bed thing, I think they are waiting for people to send theirs in to investigate.

Posted : 20/12/2017 3:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I would be interested in knowing who/where is the power supply manufacturer and if the affected PS's are of a certain model? Are they just European versus American power supplies 50/60 cycle power?
Are they all the same except for the plug? Just wondering if it can be nailed down to a bad lot or are all of them this way?

Posted : 20/12/2017 4:42 pm
New Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

I just submitted a ticket to support on this for my newly assembled i3 mk3. Here is a clip of what it sounds like It only happens when the heated bed is under power so I'm about 90% certain this is a power supply that can't handle the inrush.

Posted : 21/12/2017 12:53 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

My PSU also clicks. MK2 was silent.

Posted : 21/12/2017 2:43 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3 Power Supply Clicking

Can confirm the PSU is indeed clicking (on 230V); it's very soft, but audible nonetheless. The rest of the printer being so quiet sure doesn't help, some noisy steppers would certainly drown the clicking. Can't say it is disturbing, it depends on each person's sensitivity.

Posted : 21/12/2017 6:01 pm
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