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Mintemp error after thermistor replacement  

New Member
Mintemp error after thermistor replacement

Hi Everyone

I tried a lot. I also searched for someone facing the same problem but I couldn't find a solution. My MK3s shows "ERR mintemp" immediately after startup. It also shows an extruder temperature of 0/0. I thought the thermistor might be broken and replaced it (with the original E3D thermistor). I am afraid my board is broken somehow 😥 ? 

What i did already:

  1. Replaced thermistor
  2. Put the bed thermistor into the hotend thermistor port and got "ERR Mintemp Bed". Bed and hotend temperature = 0/0 ( this is the reason I think my Board might be broken)
  3. I've reseted my MK3s 
  4. I've updated my MK3s to the latest firmware version (3.9.0)

I would be very thankful for some help on this.



Posted : 23/05/2020 10:13 am