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Mesh Bed Leveling Way Off  

New Member
Mesh Bed Leveling Way Off


I finished building my MK3 the other night. Everything seemed fine until I got to the first layer calibration. I could tell that even though I had used the live Z adjustment to get a nice layer, for the most part, it was high in some areas and lower in others. The bed was not level. I was able to get the bed mesh leveling data with G81. This is what it gave:

-0.03583 0.09343 0.20620 0.30250 0.38231 0.44565 0.49250
0.01630 0.11641 0.20416 0.27954 0.34255 0.39320 0.43148
0.05991 0.13638 0.20385 0.26231 0.31178 0.35224 0.38370
0.09500 0.15333 0.20528 0.25083 0.29000 0.32278 0.34917
0.12157 0.16727 0.20845 0.24509 0.27721 0.30480 0.32787
0.13963 0.17820 0.21335 0.24509 0.27342 0.29832 0.31981
0.14917 0.18611 0.22000 0.25083 0.27861 0.30333 0.32500

It is a wide variance. I have rerun calibration Z over and over, adjusted the height of the PINDA probe (both up and down. when I started I used the zip tie height guide as mentioned in the assembly guide.), even tried the newest 3.2 firmware. Same on all. I have checked most of the hardware and I see nothing that catches my eye. Nothing under the plate and it is clean, etc. I am not new to 3D printing but I am new to Prusas and my previous printers did not have auto bed leveling/mesh leveling. So I am not familiar with the automated bed leveling.

Y distance from min:
Left: 10.73
Right: 10.73

Measured Skew: 0.03

Also, I have done everything at
Everything passed except for the large variation on the 7x7 grid.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Something I should look at?


Veröffentlicht : 10/05/2018 5:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: Mesh Bed Leveling Way Off

Have you checked out this other thread: ? You could play with your Y rod holders to make those tiny adjustments. The spacers made very very small changes for me. The y rod holders helped more.

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2018 6:26 am
Honorable Member
Re: Mesh Bed Leveling Way Off

The bed was not level. I was able to get the bed mesh leveling data with G81. This is what it gave:

Yours is not that bad at all. The colors are misleading because what you're concerned with is variance from the previous measurement point, not total deviance from 0. In theory, ~.2 is "good" according to prusa. In practice, many of us have variances far more than that (mine were >.8-.9 at one point).

WIth the newer firmware, careful pinda alignment, and a few passes at the mesh correction tool I haven't had serious issues in a while. Have to recal Z every now and then, but its no longer massively inconsistent layers from side to side for every print.

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2018 7:08 am
Estimable Member
Re: Mesh Bed Leveling Way Off

does Prusa have some list of acceptable deviations? I mean documented

Veröffentlicht : 22/08/2018 9:29 am