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Major problems loading new filiment spool  

Eminent Member
Major problems loading new filiment spool

I have just depleted the supplied PLA spool that was supplied with my i3 KM3 printer kit. Printed as expected. no problems. Now I am trying to load a new spool of filament. Bought from Amazon. Sunli filment, (i think). t is very accurate as I measure it with my micrometers. 1.75 mm - 1-73 mm.

Here is the problem. I pre-heat PLA then choose , "Load Filament"
the Bowden/Stepper then pulls down the new filament a small amount THEN! the Bowden/Stepper goes into reverse and click, click, click pushes the flament OUT of the extruder! WTF, he filament is not loaded.
I cannot print with no filament loaded.
What is going wrong? please help

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:07 am
Noble Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

if you just run the extruder motor, does it run the right direction?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:17 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

during normal printing, yes. I'm not sure if thats true during setup

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:23 am
Noble Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

goto like setup/motors/ and run the E motor like 150 see what happens. I'm at work so I don't have a menu handy.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:27 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

ok will do. thanks for the reply. Going to bed now 🙂

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:32 am
Noble Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

don't forget to preheat!

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 26/09/2018 3:33 am
Prominent Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

Did you perform an unload filament to remove the remains of the old filament before attempting to load a new filament?
You do not mention anything about it.
If the filament sensor is turned off then there is the old filament left in the extruder, so it will be a problem loading the new one.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Publié : 26/09/2018 11:08 am
New Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

I had exactly same problem as Keith. It happened to me twice already. Conditions as far as I remember: Firmware 3.3.1, updated to R3 part, PLA (don't remember color), heated up to 215 deg and temperature stable (not 100% sure). The load issued from menu. Once it happened immediately after an unload (from menu). The extruder reverse motion was quite slow and continued (or started?) after the query whether the filament loading was successful or not. I never waited long enough to see, if the reverse extrusion will eventually stop. I hit the reset button as soon as I spotted this. Afterwards: preheat again, unloading and loading went just fine and I could print without problems.

This looks like a bug in the firmware to me, but I don't see a pattern of what could cause this.

Publié : 26/09/2018 2:07 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

Problem Solved!
So, when the extruder feed kicked into reverse it was sensing blockage and then stopped feeding the new filament. The blockage occurred because ,as I said above. The END of the filament passed beyond the hobbed pulley There was nothing left to feed. At the end of that print i was done for the day and did not load another filament. That left the heat exchanger filled with PLA and the infeed stem, the PTFE tube, filled to just below the pulley. That will not melt when the hot end is active. Therefor; BLOCKAGE. see below. You can see the tip of the filament
click link for image

So to fix that I had to hand (fingertip) drill out the PTFE tube with a 1,5 mm drill bit. All clear! But i did damage a wire on the print fan so Im buying a new one . Thanks all.
click link for image

Publié : 26/09/2018 11:51 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

If I understood you correctly, you have not enabled the filament sensor in the menu.

When enabled, the extruder motor will stop feeding before the end of the filament has passed the Bontech pulleys.
With a simple button press, you feed out the old filament.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Publié : 27/09/2018 9:22 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Major problems loading new filiment spool

What you say makes perfect sense. The filament sensor is there for moments like this. Perhaps I did not initialize the sensor.
I'll pay closer attention next time.


Publié : 27/09/2018 2:37 pm
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