Loud Noise from printer at the start of every print.
At around 5s and 9s, what is this noise?
My printers: Mk3s / Mk3s clone with +upgrdaes (you know SPinda and all that good stuff) / Mini+ / Ender 3 v2
RE: Loud Noise from printer at the start of every print.
Listen at 5s and 9s of this video
It only happens on the start of each print - after that the printer is dead silent.
I'm having a hard time pinpointing the source of the noise as it does not seem to affect the functionality
all aspects of the printer seems good:
- Printer head does not hit build surface
- Extrusion and retraction works as it should without noise or clicking
- Belts are not skipping
- Belts are not rubbing
- Mechanics and motors are working without noise.
- Z heigh calibration is spot on
To all intents and purpose all this noise does is annoy me. The machine works beautifully otherwise.
My printers: Mk3s / Mk3s clone with +upgrdaes (you know SPinda and all that good stuff) / Mini+ / Ender 3 v2
RE: Loud Noise from printer at the start of every print.
i have the same noise, any news about it ?