List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.?
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List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.?  

New Member
List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.?

Hey guys,

i want to know whether there is a list of the printed parts that shows all release note and changes of the printed parts.

For example: i got the Mk3 and upgraded it to MK3S. then i ordered some new parts because one part was broke (dont want to bother anybody with that cheap part) ... on one part was a C1 and on the same new part was C3 - so its a new version. 

Is there a list for them? C1 C3 etc. with some comments about what is new or better? 


Thanks in advance

Opublikowany : 20/04/2020 9:00 am
Active Member
RE: List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.?

There may be a better place that lists changes better, but the github has updated parts and short revision comments.

You can see that most of the parts still say MK3S initial, which means they've never changed, while others say what the change was. unfortunately they don't have the current revision listed, and I haven't been able to find a list that's kept up to date, but you can see the last change was 9 months ago.


Also remember that all the parts Prusa prints are version C#, and all the parts they put up for download are R#, so C4 and R4 are identical parts. 

Opublikowany : 22/04/2020 2:29 pm
New Member
RE: List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.?

I am also exploring it but have not got results yet, hope to share  ☹️

Opublikowany : 04/01/2021 6:28 am