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Linear Advance 1.5  

Reputable Member
Linear Advance 1.5

Does anyone have experience with the updated Linear Advance function from Marlin (v1.5), or knows when this is going to get merged?

Supposedly it causes less CPU strain on the processor, freeing up some headroom, and the super weird extruder rattling is gone, too.
And gives an even better print result to boot.

There were a few people that implemented it on a MK3 fork on Github.

So it works, but no progress has been made to implementing it.

But a few people have mentioned that Prusa made it's own variant of Linear Advance, which is going to get merged into the MK2 branch.

Postato : 14/04/2018 12:05 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Linear Advance 1.5

But a few people have mentioned that Prusa made it's own variant of Linear Advance, which is going to get merged into the MK2 branch.

I don't have any experience with LA 1.5- who knows if that will ever get pulled into the MK3 branch.

Pull 457 is already merged, it is part of the rather large set of changes available in 3.2.0 RC1.

Postato : 14/04/2018 9:15 pm