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LCD not showing the current layer number that is being printed
Hi, I updated to the latest firmware. I am printing via the SD card. On the i3MK3S+ LCD screen, it says Layer: - / -. I recall that in the past, the current layer information was shown. How do I fix this?
Napsal : 05/09/2021 11:18 pm
Napsal : 06/09/2021 12:02 pm
Might help:
Reset everything to factory defaults and re-flash the latest FW.
This thread has the same problem:
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Napsal : 06/09/2021 12:06 pm
Topic starter
Firmware version is 3_10_0_4481
In that thread, the user only saw prusa message but in my case, I can interact with it. It just does not show layer information.
Napsal : 06/09/2021 2:30 pm