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Layer shifting in nearly every print  

Eminent Member
Layer shifting in nearly every print

I have had to deal with many of layer shifts on my mk3. I have had them in both the x and y axis. I usually have no more than one per print but nearly every print has one. It also crashes a fair amount and knocks long prints or prints with a small base off. Brim does not help. Belts also do not read correctly X is 283 while Y is 286, Even though I think I over tightened both of them. It probably is also worth mentioning when I contacted support they advised me to loosen x after sending video. It read 270 then. I see shifting most when i'm printing at 200 microns.

I bought a kit so I may have assembled it incorrectly so if anyone knows what I did wrong let me know. I did not have any shifting my first few days of using the mk3. And i can not tell if shifting is related to crashes. I have had 12 x crashes and 12 y crashes detected. And almost all crashes I witnessed it caught.

If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

Postato : 07/08/2018 3:07 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

The belt status does not update until you run a self test from the calibration menu. Run that and check you up to date belt tension numbers. Then check that the set screws on all of the belt pulleys are properly tightened down, with one of the set screws on the flat part of the motor shaft.

Postato : 07/08/2018 4:01 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Hi Jody,

Can we see some pictures?

do your X and Y axis move easily and smoothly? excess friction can cause errors

Is the Heatsink of your Cold End, level with the extruder housing?

the extruder can be assembled incorrectly allowing it to slide down inside the housing.

are your X & Y motor toothed pulley grub screws correctly tightened, ( One screw against the flat on the motor shaft on each motor)

That should do for starters. Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 07/08/2018 4:02 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Hi Jody,

Can we see some pictures?

do your X and Y axis move easily and smoothly? excess friction can cause errors

Is the Heatsink of your Cold End, level with the extruder housing?

the extruder can be assembled incorrectly allowing it to slide down inside the housing.

are your X & Y motor toothed pulley grub screws correctly tightened, ( One screw against the flat on the motor shaft on each motor)

That should do for starters. Regards Joan

Thank You, I will look into suggestions. Don't have a print with a good shift with me because I am away from home. Will post pictures in a few days maybe.

The belt status does not update until you run a self test from the calibration menu. Run that and check you up to date belt tension numbers. Then check that the set screws on all of the belt pulleys are properly tightened down, with one of the set screws on the flat part of the motor shaft.

readings are directly after self test both times. I will check the pulleys. Thanks.

Postato : 08/08/2018 5:36 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print



I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 08/08/2018 11:12 am
Trusted Member
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Are you using ocotoprint its been causing me layer shifts.

Postato : 11/08/2018 6:49 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Are you using ocotoprint its been causing me layer shifts.

Yes I am, I have a print that has had a major shift three times in a row. I will try that again through sd. Thanks 😀

Can we see some pictures?

Here is my most recent print. I also have some prints with minor shifts as well. This particular print shifted on the y axis.

Postato : 13/08/2018 7:10 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Have you turned crash detection Off?

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 13/08/2018 7:17 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Have you turned crash detection Off?

Regards Joan

No i'm not in stealth mode either 😕 .

Postato : 13/08/2018 7:19 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Something else to try...

But try SD Card instead of octoprint First

One thing at a time...

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 13/08/2018 7:44 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Had multiple shifts on a print even off of sd card. Not seeing a difference. Printer stopped itself after going further due to a detected crash. :cry:. Y belt probably could be tightened a little. Tensioners as far as it will go so I would probably have to take bed apart to get it any tighter.

Postato : 14/08/2018 9:20 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Tightened x a little more. And y quite a bit more. Shifting appears to be completely caused by crashes. Or maybe they follow shift I am yet to watch one.

Postato : 15/08/2018 12:58 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print


Postato : 16/08/2018 5:05 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Something else to try...

But try SD Card instead of octoprint First

One thing at a time...

Regards Joan

Tried disabling crash detection and although it did make it farther it still shifted.

I am now convinced it is do to parts of the print curling up.

Postato : 19/08/2018 3:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

If parts of the print curl up
You are very likely to get collisions and consequent layer shifts

Can you print the parts on a different orientation to prevent warping

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 19/08/2018 5:08 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

If parts of the print curl up
You are very likely to get collisions and consequent layer shifts

Can you print the parts on a different orientation to prevent warping

Regards Joan

I probably worded that wrong. Just the top edges of one of the the pyramid the design curls because of its shape. I have not done much with orientation however I was able to get this exact model to split by separating parts(it was originally a print in place). I have not seen any warping off the bed on this print. But in large prints that may explain the shift as I had some slight warping. I would think it would be a cooling issue.

Postato : 19/08/2018 8:46 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

If parts of the print curl up
You are very likely to get collisions and consequent layer shifts

Can you print the parts on a different orientation to prevent warping

Regards Joan

I probably worded that wrong. Just the top edges of one of the the pyramid the design curls because of its shape. I have not done much with orientation however I was able to get this exact model to split by separating parts(it was originally a print in place). I have not seen any warping off the bed on this print. But in large prints that may explain the shift as I had some slight warping. I would think it would be a cooling issue.

Ok Guess I was wrong. It is not related to curling as everything bigger than 3 inches shift. I found that some rods were scratched and a couple of bearings went bad to I replaced those but I am still dealing with this.

Postato : 16/09/2018 9:29 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifting in nearly every print

Maybe issue is over after all I originally replaced x rods and bearings because I could clearly feel by how it moved it had a problem. But after I replaced y as well I have not had a failure since.

Postato : 19/09/2018 9:35 pm