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Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update  

Active Member
Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update
Hello everybody,

I have a new Prusa MK3 / S (assembled - no kit) since the beginning of this week and the first prints were top.

Then came the request to the firmware update (3.7.0) and then the parts are (in spite of the same Conditions and
/ or G-codes) completely unusable.
Can you perhaps help me narrow down or recognize whether the error is due to the firmware or somewhere else
is to look for?
Example components: In the picture with the 2 rings, the left is the part before the update and the right after the update
                                 Both times I used the same G-code.
                                 Both times with filament / Prusament PLA
                                In the image with the 3 rings, the ring in the foreground was printed between the 1st and the 2nd ring,
                                but have been printed after the update.
                                Same slicer settings, but the STL file was "finer resolved".
                                The ring already showed failures and breaks at the faulty places.
                                I thought maybe it's a sub-extrusion.
                                So I controlled the nozzle (cold-pull), but it's free. Then I have the reference prints
                                (visual-method-cube and cube-40-40-40) printed, which are flawless.
                                When there is in the cubes even a deviation, then at most a very minimal overextrusion.

So I thought it is because that "finer" file, so then reprinted the G-code from the 1st, as a reference, but that's a disaster,

despite the identical G-code of the first ring .....
PS: After the firmware update, the extruder “crashes” (for my senses) very hard to the x and y starting points during the
      prints. I started the selftest and now it ist a bit softer. 
Hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance, Oliver


Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 6 years por oliver.h5man
Respondido : 04/05/2019 4:39 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update

Have you verified it's a 3.7.0 issue by downgrading to your previous firmware version and seeing the problems disappear?

Respondido : 04/05/2019 4:46 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update

Hey ,
thanks for your fast response.
I looked for a way to downgrade, but did not find any way. Have I overlooked this option?

So if there is one, I would start with the first g-code again to verify....

Thanks again, Oliver

Respondido : 04/05/2019 5:28 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update

You can select any firmware file in Slic3r and load it to the printer. New, old, doesn't matter.

Respondido : 04/05/2019 5:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update

Ahh thanks,just now I saw that the old files are on prusa website either.
I'll try that 3.06.0 and will come back to this post when I did.

Respondido : 04/05/2019 5:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer Problems since Firmware (3.7.0) update

Hello again,
I downgrade the printer to firmware 3.6.0 but the problem isn't fixed.

The first 2 hours all looked fine, but as with the previous prints, the problem starts after about 1.5 to 2 hours.
Less than 2 hours are ok.

Meanwhile the printer doesn't print anymore (or it only prints air).
The extruder gears jump back and doesn't transportate filament but the nozzel is ok.
I did again a cold pull but there is no way to get filament but I get no filament through the extruder.
So it seems that I have to disassemble the extruder ....

To narrow down the problem again.

- prints until 1.5 to 2 hours are ok
- after 2 hours, the layer are bad or missed
- nozzel is ok, but extruder is blocking, gears are jumping back (after pull the filament out, the gears are free)
- I just used the printer around 30 hours, problems startet after 15 hours (after firmware upgrade to 3.7.0)
The firmware is now downgraded back to 3.6.0
- printer was bought assembled, I did no changes
- just original Prusament PLA filament was used

I'm not sure, that this has only a mechanical Reason, can there some sensors or software get's a problem to verify
the heat after runnig 2 hours and then the Extruder cooles down at time ?

Why it just hapened after longer run (Except now, where extruder is completely blocked) ?

Sure I'm disapointed, I spend the money to buy a assembled printer, because I did not want to disassemble anything
in the initial phase....

Perhaps someone hast an idea what the reason is while I disamble the extruder ?

Respondido : 05/05/2019 8:23 am