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Jams / Change Filament messages  

New Member
Jams / Change Filament messages

I have had a few jams over this weekend, and I've dutifully stripped the extruder down and replaced the PTFE tube as per the instructions (ensuring the collet is up while pressing it in etc.)

However, while trying to print a largish object, every few layers it pauses, bleeping, asking me to change the filament, ...its a very tough job to get the filament out of the head, and once the motor has stopped moving, and I get the "please remove immediately" message, i then have to apply hard slow pressure to get the rest of it out.

I've attached an image of the shape of the end of the filament in case anyone recognises it and can tell me what I am doing wrong.



Publié : 24/02/2019 10:23 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Jams / Change Filament messages

And now it’s done this 3 times in a row... any ideas ?

Publié : 25/02/2019 7:08 am
Trusted Member
Re: Jams / Change Filament messages

Your first post sounds like a cold hotend. By cold I dont mean -10C but colder than the melting point of the filament. Second post shows missed layer. so the extruder faild to extrude for a layer or two and then it started to print in the air.

It's just my 2 cent, hopefully you get more specialized reply soon.

edit: try this, higher your Z level, set the nozzle temp to PLA/ABS/ or whatever you are using and once the temp is reached, from the menu choose load filament. post the picture of the extruded filaments. (just to be sure your nozzle is not clogged)

Publié : 25/02/2019 10:02 am
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