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Is this normal???  

New Member
Is this normal???

Is it normal for the extruded stepper motor to get very hot??? Also there seems to be a squeaking from the extruded region when the z axis moves up and Down quickly.

Napsal : 20/04/2019 11:34 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Is this normal???

Define "very hot" ... but yes, they get warm, and warmer when busy. Squeaking is not generally normal, but some filaments will make noise as the flex around inside the upper end of the extruder housing. and the spools will squeak as they rub the spool holder (pretty annoying, and why I designed my own holder).

A few of us run with 40x40mm heat sinks attached to the X-Y and E motors. Drops the temps from mid 50c down to mid 40s. But busy prints the E can still hit 50c.

Napsal : 20/04/2019 11:39 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Is this normal???

Replacing the Prusa-LDO motor with a Moons' stepper will also tame heat issues.

Napsal : 21/04/2019 1:09 am
Peter M
Noble Member
Re: Is this normal???

On you can find a stl, to put on the extruder, and blow a small fan upwards, away from the extruder, this lowers the temps very good.
On the mk3 it fits, on the mk3s i do not know.
I change it a little bit, so need for glue.

My printer is sitting in a enclosure that is why i did this.

Napsal : 21/04/2019 5:03 pm