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Is my heatbed broken?  

Trusted Member
Is my heatbed broken?

I have a one week old MK3S and after having difficulties with getting my prints to stick I suddenly noticed that I could touch my 90° bed without burning myself.

When I measure the heatbed with my IR temperatur meter it reads about 75°C in the middle to middle-left region and on the right middle side I get 37°C and all other places are between 37 to 45°C. This is measured 25minutes after I turned on the heatbed to 90°C.

I guess the heatbed is broken?
All cables and connectors are tight and fit, no errors that I can find in the LCD.

I have e-mailed Prusa support but maybe you guys can help me out with any ideas.

This topic was modified před 5 years by tmicke
Napsal : 02/04/2020 2:35 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Is my heatbed broken?

Hi Sw3de 

I would go to the eShop page, and wait 5 seconds, the chat window should open in the bottom right hand corner, 
Use your order number and ask for assistance

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 02/04/2020 9:59 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is my heatbed broken?


Hello Joan!

How are you this lovely day?
I was going to take it via the chat but I was told that there was an estimated waiting time for about 30min and I didn't have the patience to sit and wait. So now I'm waiting for a response on my e-mail instead 🤣 

I ordered a new heatbed from Sweden yesterday because I suspect it will take some time for me to have a replacement here and as I mentioned earlier, I'm somewhat impatience.

I can't think of anything else than the heatbed being broken so I'll just have one as a spare in the future.



Napsal : 03/04/2020 6:09 am