IR Filament Sensor Update.
A sign of relief came over me to not see that troublesome error!
RE: IR Filament Sensor Update.
But, will the filament run out still work I ask?A sign of relief came over me to not see that troublesome error!
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RE: IR Filament Sensor Update.
Had you posted the image in some recognizable way someone might be able to answer whatever question you might be asking. But the senseless gibberish in that jpg is - well - not going to get you there. Try drag and drop - and be sure to use the Link to Media File setting before hitting the "Insert" button. lol.
RE: IR Filament Sensor Update.
Had you posted the image in some recognizable way someone might be able to answer whatever question you might be asking. But the senseless gibberish in that jpg is - well - not going to get you there. Try drag and drop - and be sure to use the Link to Media File setting before hitting the "Insert" button. lol.
It is the hex code of the firmware that was made special for my situation. The image is an excerpt from my Prusa live support session that finally resulted in a fix!
Now if you want I can de~compile the hex code for you and re~compile so you can read in the Arduino IDE.