intermittent layer shift?
I'm getting strange small intermittent layer shifts of under 1mm at a time. This started happening recently and only on the X-axis. I still get successful prints because the layer shift always correct itself after 1 or a few layers. Any ideas on what's causing this?
I have checked the belt tensions. The X-belt is within range, the Y-belt is a little loose but Y is always OK since I first built the machine.
X-belt: 250, Y-belt:300
The X-cartridge rods are smooth and don't give off more resistance than usual. Although I am going to put more grease on the rods later.
I am using the latest Prusa Slicer for each prints. I updated the firmware of the i3 mk3s but the layer shift issue stayed the same.
It also seemed to happen only in larger prints, but I can't be sure of that yet.
RE: intermittent layer shift?
Check your x axis pulley. It’s probably loose. If you don’t tighten them in the specific way they work loose over time.
RE: intermittent layer shift?
Just checked all the screws and rods on the x-axis pulley. It's all tight.
I just noticed that the layer shift tend to happen near specific layer heights.